Venetica Trophies
Successfully complete one of the following tasks to get a trophy:
- First Chapter Complete (Bronze): Chapter 1 completed.
- Second Chapter Complete (Bronze): Chapter 2 completed.
- Third Chapter Complete (Bronze): Chapter 3 completed.
- Trained Villager (Bronze): Training in village successfully accomplished.
- Trained Attack Combiner (Bronze): Combined Attacks training successfully accomplished.
- Trained Roller (Bronze): Rolling training successfully accomplished.
- Arena Champion (Bronze): All enemies in the arena defeated.
- Leather Style (Bronze): Leather mail acquired.
- Plate Style (Bronze): Plate mail acquired.
- Honorable Success (Bronze): Play and complete the game the honorable way.
- Villainous Success (Bronze): Play and complete the game the villainous way.
- True Hero (Bronze): Level 20 reached.
- Burglar (Bronze): Gain 1200 experience by cracking locksGain 1200 experience by cracking locks.
- High Esteem (Bronze): Earn 2000 reputation points.
- Bright Views (Bronze): Find a special lookout point in the Outer City.
- Dark Views (Bronze): Find a special lookout point in the Arsenal District.
- Sherd Master (Bronze): Destroy 100 vases.
- Scythe Master (Bronze): Learn the strongest Scythe skill.
- Sword Master (Bronze): Learn the strongest Sword skill.
- Hammer Master (Bronze): Learn the strongest Hammer skill.
- Spear Master (Bronze): Learn the strongest Spear skill.
- Trained Blocker (Bronze): Blocking Training successfully accomplished.
- Trained Group Fighter (Bronze): Training against many enemies successfully accomplished.
- Master of First Twilight Circle (Bronze): Learn the strongest skill connected to the first Twilight skill.
- Master of Second Twilight Circle (Bronze): Learn the strongest skill connected to the second Twilight skill.
- Master of Third Twilight Circle (Bronze): Learn the strongest skill connected to the third Twilight skill.
- Master of Fourth Twilight Circle (Bronze): Learn the strongest skill connected to the fourth Twilight skill.
- Master of Fifth Twilight Circle (Bronze): Learn the strongest skill connected to the fifth Twilight skill.
- Master of Sixth Twilight Circle (Bronze): Learn the strongest skill connected to the sixth Twilight skill.
- Legendary Hero (Silver): Level 32 reached.
- Treasure Hunter (Silver): Dig out all treasures.
- Quest Master (Silver): Complete 50 quests in one game.
- The End (Gold): Game completed.
- No Drugs (Gold): Game finished without consuming any healing items.
- Master of Venetica (Platinum): Earn all Venetica trophies to unlock the platinum trophy.
Additionally, there are 16 secret trophies:
- Beast Nightmare (Bronze): Roof Beasts in Outer and Inner City defeated.
- Holy Seal completed (Bronze): All regular quests of the Order of the Holy Seal accomplished.
- Hooded Wings completed (Bronze): All regular quests of the Hooded Wings accomplished.
- Net of the Mask completed (Bronze): All regular quests of the Net of the Mask accomplished.
- Moonblade ready (Bronze): Have the Moonblade repaired.
- Holy Seal Membership (Bronze): Become a member of the Order of the Holy Seal.
- Hooded Wings Membership (Bronze): Become a member of the Hooded Wings.
- Net of the Mask Membership (Bronze): Become a member of the Net of the Mask.
- Gripper Queen Slayer (Bronze): Defeat the Gripper Queen.
- Apple Wine (Bronze): Exchange the innkeeper of the Inner City.
- Stealth Master (Bronze): Collect all medicine parcels without killing the guards.
- Beast Slayer (Bronze): One roof beast area cleared.
- Rogue Hunter (Bronze): One rogue quarter cleared.
- Pale Hearts (Silver): All Pale Hearts collected.
- Rogue Nightmare (Silver): Three rogue quarters cleared.
- Knowledge of the Guilds (Gold): Quests of all guilds accomplished.
The image featured at the top of this post is ©The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III key art.