



WiiWare Release Officially Dated

Trails of Cold Steel III key art

WiiWare Release Officially Dated


WiiWare has been officially dated for its Japanese launch. Nintendo’s downloadable games service will be available in Nippon on Tuesday, March 25. The service, which has been mooted as an indie developer’s dream, will have exclusive content that may not have otherwise been available to the public. Look for a May 12 th release of the service in North America.

According to Wired, nine games will be available at launch:

Okiraku Ping-Pong Wii (Arc System Works, 500 points): Ping pong that utilizes the Wii Remote and cell shaded graphics.

Word Puzzle Mojipittan Wii (Bandai Namco, 1000 points): Word puzzle game made easier with the Wii Remote IR capabilities.

Sakusaku Animal Panic (Konami, 1000 points): A puzzle game where you build fences in order to cordon off troublesome farm animals.

Star Soldier R (Hudson, 800 points): A space shooter typical of the Hudson brand.

My Life As A King: Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles (Square Enix, 1500 points): A strategy title set in Ivalice.

Angel’s Solitaire (G-Mode, 500 points): Enough said.

Dr. Mario & Bacillus Extermination (Nintendo, 1000 points): Dr. Mario remade and refueled. Look for this one to sell like crazy.

Everybody’s Pokemon Ranch (Nintendo, 1000 points): You’ll be able to import your Pokémon straight from your DS and play around with them with your Mii avatar.

Lonpos (Genki, 1000 points)

This is another puzzler. Players will have to rapidly fit blocks into various shapes. For those who couldn’t get enough of the Tangram as kids.

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