WWE ’13
Successfully complete the indicated task in the listed chapter in Attitude Era mode on any difficulty to unlock the corresponding bonus:
- Attitude Era Backstage: Unlocked in the “Mankind” chapter.
- Badd Blood ’97: Unlocked in the “Rise Of DX” chapter.
- Breakdown ’98: Unlocked in the “Brothers Of Destruction” chapter.
- Halftime Heat Empty: Unlocked in the “Mankind” chapter.
- Judgment Day ’98: Unlocked in the “Brothers Of Destruction” chapter.
- King Of The Ring ’98: Unlocked in the “Brothers Of Destruction” chapter.
- One Night Only ’97: Unlocked in the “Rise Of DX” chapter.
- Over the Edge ’98: Unlocked in the “Austin 3:16” chapter.
- Raw ’98: Unlocked in the “The Great One” chapter.
- Rock Bottom ’98: Unlocked in the “Mankind” chapter.
- Royal Rumble ’98: Unlocked in the “Austin 3:16” chapter.
- Royal Rumble ’99: Unlocked in the “Mankind” chapter.
- SmackDown ’99: Unlocked in the “Off Script” chapter.
- St. Valentine’s Day Massacre ’99: Unlocked in the “WrestleMania XV” chapter.
- SummerSlam ’97: Unlocked in the “WrestleMania XV” chapter.
- SummerSlam ’98: Unlocked in the “Brothers Of Destruction” chapter.
- Sunday Night Heat: Unlocked in the “Off Script” chapter.
- Survivor Series ’97: Unlocked in the “Rise Of DX” chapter.
- Survivor Series ’98: Unlocked in the “The Great One” chapter.
- Unforgiven ’98: Unlocked in the “Austin 3:16” chapter.
- WrestleMania XIV: Unlocked in the “Austin 3:16” chapter.
- WrestleMania XV Arena: Unlocked in the “WrestleMania XV” chapter.
Bonus Matches
- Bonus Match #1 – 9/22/1997: Unlocked in the “Rise Of DX” chapter.
- Bonus Match #2 – 11/9/1997: Unlocked in the “Rise Of DX” chapter.
- Bonus Match #3 – 1/12/1998: Unlocked in the “Rise Of DX” chapter.
- Bonus Match #4 – 4/26/1998: Unlocked in the “Austin 3:16” chapter.
- Bonus Match #5 – 6/28/1998: Unlocked in the “Brothers Of Destruction” chapter.
- Bonus Match #6 – 8/30/1998: Unlocked in the “Brothers Of Destruction” chapter.
- Bonus Match #7 – 9/27/1998: Unlocked in the “Brothers Of Destruction” chapter.
- Bonus Match #8 – 10/18/1998: Unlocked in the “Brothers Of Destruction” chapter.
- Bonus Match #9 – 11/15/1998: Unlocked in the “The Great One” chapter.
- Bonus Match #10 – 11/23/1998: Unlocked in the “The Great One” chapter.
- Bonus Match #11 – 12/21/1998: Unlocked in the “Mankind” chapter.
- Bonus Match #12 – 2/1/1999: Unlocked in the “Mankind” chapter.
- Bonus Match #13 – 3/28/1999: Unlocked in the “WrestleMania XV” chapter.
- Bonus Match #14 – 8/3/1997: Unlocked in the “WrestleMania XV” chapter.
- Bonus Match #15 – 3/29/1998: Unlocked in the “Austin 3:16” chapter.
- Bonus Match #16 – 8/30/1998: Unlocked in the “Brothers Of Destruction” chapter.
- Animal (The Road Warriors): Successfully complete the NAO vs. LOD match in the “Rise Of DX” chapter.
- Big Boss Man: Successfully complete The Rock vs. Boss Man match in “The Great One” chapter.
- Billy Gunn: Successfully complete Bonus Match #2.
- Booker T: Win the King Of The Ring tournament.
- Bradshaw (Acolytes/APA): Successfully complete the Acolytes vs. Kane & X-Pac match in the “Off Script” chapter.
- Bret Hart: Successfully complete Montreal Screwjob in the “Rise Of DX” chapter.
- British Bulldog: Successfully complete the HHH vs. Bret Hart match in the “Rise Of DX” chapter.
- Cactus Jack: Successfully complete Bonus Match #1.
- Chris Jericho ’99: Successfully complete the Y2J vs. Road Dogg match in the “Off Script” chapter.
- Christian ’99: Successfully complete the Edge & Christian vs. Acolytes match in the “Off Script” chapter.
- Dude Love: Successfully complete the Stone Cold vs. Dude Love match at Unforgiven ’98 in the “Austin 3:16” chapter.
- Eddie Guerrero: Successfully complete the Stone Cold vs. Guerrero match in the “Off Script” chapter.
- Edge: Successfully complete the Edge & Christian vs. Acolytes match in the “Off Script” chapter.
- Edge ’99: Successfully complete the Edge vs. Vader match in the “Off Script” chapter.
- Faarooq (Acolytes/APA): Successfully complete the Acolytes vs. Kane & X-Pac match in the “Off Script” chapter.
- Hawk (The Road Warriors): Successfully complete the NAO vs. LOD match in the “Rise Of DX” chapter.
- Hunter Hearst Helmsley: Successfully complete the HBK & HHH vs. Mankind & Undertaker match in the “Rise Of DX” chapter.
- Iron Mike Tyson: Successfully complete the Austin vs. HBK match at WrestleMania XIV in the “Austin 3:16” chapter.
- JBL: Successfully complete the Edge & Christian vs. Acolytes match in the “Off Script” chapter.
- John Cena ’04: Successfully complete the Stone Cold & Rock vs. HHH & Undertaker match in the “Off Script” chapter.
- John Laurinaitis: Create a PPV and Show in WWE Universe 3.0.
- Kane ’97-’99: Successfully complete Badd Blood ’97 in the “Rise Of DX” chapter.
- Ken Shamrock: Successfully complete Bonus Match #5.
- Kevin Nash: Successfully complete all stories in Attitude Era mode.
- Lita: Successfully complete the Trish vs. Lita match in the “Off Script” chapter.
- Lita ’00: Successfully complete the Lita vs. Stephanie match in the “Off Script” chapter.
- Mark Henry ’98: Successfully complete The Rock vs. Mark Henry match in “The Great One” chapter.
- Mr. McMahon: Unlocked in the “WrestleMania XV” chapter.
- Mr. McMahon with Suit: Unlocked in the “Rise Of DX” chapter.
- Paul Bearer (Manager): Successfully complete the “Brothers Of Destruction” chapter.
- Paul Wight: Successfully complete the “WrestleMania XV” chapter.
- Road Dogg: Successfully complete the Stone Cold vs. Road Dogg match in the “Austin 3:16” chapter.
- Shane McMahon: Successfully complete Bonus Match #13.
- Stephanie McMahon: Successfully complete the Lita vs. Stephanie match in the “Off Script” chapter.
- The Godfather: Successfully complete the Godfather & Henry vs. LOD match in the “Off Script” chapter.
- Triple H ’99: Successfully complete Bonus Match #12.
- Trish Stratus: Successfully complete the Trish vs. Lita match in the “Off Script” chapter.
- Undertaker ’97-’98: Successfully complete Bonus Match #4.
- Vader: Successfully complete the Kane vs. Vader match in the “Off Script” chapter.
- X-Pac: Successfully complete Bonus Match #10.
- Bradshaw APA Attire: Unlocked in the “Off Script” chapter.
- Faarooq APA Attire: Unlocked in the “Off Script” chapter.
- Kane ’97-99 Debut Lighting: Unlocked in the “Rise Of DX” chapter.
- Kane ’97-99 Two Sleeves Attire: Unlocked in the “Brothers Of Destruction” chapter.
- Kane ’97-99 Undertaker Disguise: Unlocked in the “Brothers Of Destruction” chapter.
- Mankind Brown Attire: Unlocked in the “Rise Of DX” chapter.
- Stone Cold 3:16 T-Shirt: Unlocked in the “Brothers Of Destruction” chapter.
- The Rock ’98-99 Work-Out Attire: Unlocked in the “Mankind” chapter.
- W Championship ’88-89: Unlocked in the “Austin 3:16” chapter.
- W Championship ’98-02: Unlocked in the “The Great One” chapter.
- W Championship (Brahma Bull): Unlocked in the “WrestleMania XV” chapter.
- W Championship (Smoking Skull): Unlocked in the “Brothers Of Destruction” chapter.
- W Classic Intercontinental Championship: Unlocked in the “Brothers Of Destruction” chapter.
- W European Championship: Unlocked in the “Rise Of DX” chapter.
- W Hardcore Championship: Unlocked in the “Mankind” chapter.
- W Light Heavyweight Championship: Unlocked in the “Off Script” chapter.
- W Undisputed Championship: Unlocked in the “Off Script” chapter.
- W Women’s Championship: Unlocked in the “Off Script” chapter.
- WCW World Heavyweight Championship ’91-93: Unlocked in the “Off Script” chapter.
- World Tag Team Championship ’85-98: Unlocked in the “Brothers Of Destruction” chapter.
- Off Script Story: Successfully complete a specific story.
- Universe Feuds Pack 1: Successfully complete all matches in all chapters.
- Universe Feuds Pack 2: Successfully complete all matches in the “Off Script” chapter.
Preset entrances
The indicated entrance is based on the corresponding wrestler:
- 1. Hulk Hogan
- 2. Jimmy Snuka
- 3. Curt Henning
- 4. Dusty Rhodes
- 5. Junkyard Dog
- 6. Jake Roberts
- 7. Terry Funk
- 8. Mick Foley
- 9. Ricky Steamboat
- 10. Lex luger
- 11. Ultimate Warrior
- 12. Randy Savage
- 13. Arn Anderson
- 1. Kurt Angle
- 2. King Booker
- 3. Chris Masters
- 4. Rob Van Dam
- 5. Sabu
- 6. Sandman
- 7. Test
- 8. Kenny Dykstra
- 9. Bobby Lashley
- 10. Gregory Helms
- 11. Matt Hardy
- 12. Balls Mahoney
- 13. Lance Cade
- 14. Trevor Murdoch
- 15. Big Daddy V
- 16. Shelton Benjamin
- 17. Paul London
- 18. Chuck Palumbo (Biker)
- 19. Tazz (Towel)
- 20. Triple H DX
- 21. Randy Orton (WWE SmackDown vs. RAW 2010)
- 22. Shane McMahon (WWE SmackDown vs. RAW 2008)
- 23. Tommy Dreamer
- 24. JTG
- 25. Charlie Haas
- 26. Super Crazy
- 27. Batista
- 28. Chavo Guerrero
- 29. Doink the Clown
- 30. The Boogeyman
- 31. Jimmy Wang Yang
- 32. Jeff Hardy
- 33. Umaga
- 34. Carlito
- 35. Montel Vontavious Porter
- 36. The Hurricane
- 37. R-Truth (Mic)
- 38. Demolition Ax
- 39. Demolition Smash
- 40. Michael Cole
- 41. Jerry “The King” Lawler
- 42. Jim Ross
- 43. Vladimir Kozlov
- 44. Trent Baretta
- 45. Dean Ambrose
- 46. Sonjay Dutt
- 47. El Generico
- 48. Austin Aries
- 49. Big Show (WWE ’12)
- 50. Alex Riley
- 51. Even Bourne
- 52. Mason Ryan
- 53. Ezekial Jackson
- 54. Husky Harris
- 55. Michael McGillicutty
- 56. Tyson Kidd
- 57. William Regal
- 58. Yoshi Tatsu
- 59. Daniel Bryan (WWE ’12)
- 60. Boxer
- 61. Cellphone Guy
- 62. Ladies Man
- 63. Clumsy
- 64. Zombie
- 1. Maria
- 2. Torrie Wilson
- 3. Ashley Massaro
- 4. Victoria
- 5. Candice Michelle
- 6. Mickie James
- 7. Melina
- 8. Gail Kim
- 9. Generic
- 10. Natayla
- 11. Michelle McCool (WWE ’12)
- 12. Ariel
- 13. Jillian Hall
- 14. Cartwheel Girl
- 15. Maryse
- 16. Michelle McCool
- Tag 1: Hardy Boyz
- Tag 2: Cryme Tyme
- Tag 3: Brian Kendrick and Big Zeke
- Tag 4: Jesse and Festus
- Tag 5: Carlito and Primo
- Tag 6: CM Punk and Luke Gallows
- Tag 7: LayCool
- Tag 8: Demolition
- Tag 9: Generic Team 1
- Tag 10: Generic Team 2
- Tag 11: Generic Team 3
- Tag 12: Generic Team 4
- Tag 13: Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder
- Tag 14: Shane McMahon and Vince McMahon
- Tag 15: Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch
- Tag 16: Paul London and Brian Kendrick
- Tag 17: Umaga and Armando Estrada
- Tag 18: John Cena and Tony (aka Cena’s Jeep Entrance)
- Tag 19: Hunico and Camacho (with Da Bicycle)
- Tag Legend 1: Legion Of Doom
- Tag Legend 2: The Rockers
- Tag Legend 3: The Bushwhackers
- Mixed Tag 1: Santino Marella and Beth Phoenix
- Mixed Tag 2: Johnny Nitro and Melina
- Mixed Tag 3: Jealous Superstar and Babyface Diva
- Mixed Tag 4: Cocky Heel and Heel Diva
- Mixed Tag 5: Charlie Haas and Miss Jackie
- Mixed Tag 6: Antonio Cesaro and Aksana
- Trio 1: MNM
- Trio 2: Spirit Squad
- Trio 3: new World order
- Trio 4: Generic Team
- Trio 5: Hart Dynasty
- Trio 6: The Legacy
- Trio 7: Primo, Epico, and Rosa
Preset movesets
The indicated moveset is based on the corresponding wrestler:
- 1. Evan Bourne
- 2. Alex Riley
- 3. Mason Ryan
- 4. Ezekiel Jackson
- 5. Michael McGillicutty
- 6. Husky Harris/Bray Wyatt
- 7. William Regal
- 8. Tyson Kidd
- 9. JTG
- 10. John Morrison
- 11. Chris Masters
- 12. Vladimir Kozlov
- 13. Chavo Guerrero
- 14. MVP
- 15. Batista
- 16. Michelle McCool
- 17. Melina
- 18. Maryse
- 19. Shelton Benjamin
- 20. Charlie Haas
- 21. Goldberg
- 22. Kurt Angle
- 23. Rob Van Dam
- 24. Mr. Anderson
- 25. Jeff Hardy
- 26. Matt Hardy
- 27. D’Angelo Dinero
- 28. AJ Styles
- 29. Ric Flair
- 30. Roddy Piper
Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points:
- A winner is you! (10 points): Win 10 ranked matches.
- The Streak Ends (50 points): Beat The Undertaker at WrestleMania with a Custom Superstar on Legend difficulty (single player).
- King of the world (50 points): Achieve the maximum rank on Xbox LIVE.
- Gold standard (45 points): Earn the WWE, WCW, and ECW Championship belts with a single Superstar.
- Invincible man (40 points): Win at least 20 matches on Hard difficulty or higher (single player).
- A man who wastes no opportunity (35 points): Cash in a Money in the Bank and win using a Custom Superstar in WWE Universe (single player).
- Established veteran (30 points): Achieve the rank 10 on Xbox LIVE.
- Berserker (25 points): Break a total of 50 tables, ladders, and chairs by attacking with them (single player).
- Mr. Money in the Bank (30 points): Win Money in the Bank using a Custom Superstar in WWE Universe mode (single player).
- Comeback! (20 points): Successfully perform a Comeback Move (single player).
- A once in a lifetime event (20 points): Appear in WrestleMania using a Custom Superstar in WWE Universe (single player)
- A winning combination! (25 points): Use a wake-up taunt, land a Finisher and immediately pin your opponent (single player).
- One of history’s greats (25 points): Exhibition (Legend difficulty) – Defeat a Superstar with his Attitude Era version (single player).
- I just keep evolving! (20 points): Exhibition (Legend difficulty) – With a Superstar, defeat his Attitude Era version (single player).
- A legend begins (20 points): Win at least one match on Hard difficulty or higher (single player).
- Fighting smart (15 points): Exhibition – Attack the same body part 10 or more times in a single match (single player).
- Negotiatior (15 points): Exhibition – Force an opponent to quit in an “I Quit” Match (single player).
- All original baby! (15 points): Compete as a Custom Superstar in a Custom Arena for a Custom Championship.
- The ring is my home! (15 points): Play a match in an arena created in Create an Arena mode.
- Rising star (20 points): Achieve the rank 5 on Xbox LIVE.
- Made-up original story (15 points): Create a story including a Custom Superstar or a Custom Arena.
- Yes! Yes! Yes! (10 points): Use Daniel Bryan to defeat Sheamus (single player, Exhibition Mode only).
- Reached the ropes! (10 points): Crawl to the ropes during a submission (Single Player).
- A Superstar is born! (10 points): Win a match using a Custom Superstar in WWE Universe mode (single player).
- Arena designer (10 points): Create an arena in Create an Arena mode.
- Check out my Entrance Video! (10 points): Create an entrance movie in Create an Entrance mode
- Paint tool magician (10 points): Use the paint tool to create and add an original logo to any original creation.
- This is special! (10 points): Create a front, top-rope, and corner special move.
- The champ is here! (10 points): Create an original championship belt in the Championship Editor.
- Create and destroy (15 points): Exhibition (Title Match) – Attack your opponent with a custom belt (single player).
- Awesome! (5 points): Take a screenshot in Create a Highlight mode.
- A fresh beginning (5 points): Play in an Xbox LIVE match (Player match/Ranked match)
- Welcome to the creators’ circle (5 points): Your Community Creations content has been reviewed at least 5 times.
- Critic (5 points): Review 5 or more user-created content items in Community Creations.
Additionally, there are 14 secret achievements:
- Off Script scenario cleared! (45 points): Clear the “Off Script” chapter.
- Road to WrestleMania XV cleared! (40 points): Clear the “Road to WrestleMania XV” chapter.
- Holy sh**t!! (40 points): Break the ring with an OMG Move (single player).
- Mankind scenario cleared! (30 points): Clear the “Mankind” chapter.
- Watch out! (30 points): Successfully reverse a Finisher (single player).
- The Great One scenario cleared! (25 points): Clear the “The Great One” chapter.
- It’s like a car crash! (20 points): Exhibition – Break the barricade in 2 places in the same match (single player).
- You can’t let down your guard (20 points): Land a Catch Finisher (single player, Exhibition Mode only).
- Brothers of Destruction cleared! (20 points): Clear the “Brothers of Destruction” chapter.
- The rattlesnake is coming!? (20 points): Win by throwing an opponent through the window in Backstage Brawl (single player).
- Austin 3:16 scenario cleared! (15 points): Clear the “Austin 3:16” chapter.
- Ring hooligan (15 points): Break a total of 20 tables, ladders, and chairs by attacking with them (single player).
- Oh my! (15 points): Break the announcer table with an OMG Move (single player).
- Rise of D-X scenario cleared! (10 points): Clear the “Rise of D-X” chapter.
The image featured at the top of this post is ©The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III key art.