Once again CheatCC is swooping in with our savings to make sure your gaming dollars are stretched further than ever before. Super Friends Unite!
First up is a quick rundown of all the discounts available via Xbox Live Gold’s publisher sale (via the folks over at thexboxhub.com). Offers include snatching up the classic Plants vs. Zombies for about $10 bucks and more:
- Bejeweled 3 – £4.99/$4.49
- Feeding Frenzy – £1.69/$2.49
- Feeding Frenzy 2 – £3.37/$4.99
- Peggle – £3.37/$4.99
- Peggle Nights Content Pack – £1.69/$2.49
- Plants vs Zombies – £4.99/$7.49
- Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare – £8.49/$10.19
- Zuma – £1.69/$2.49
- Zuma’s Revenge! – £3.37/$4.99
Also, don’t forget the free monthly titles offered to subscribers of Xbox Live which include: Worms Battlegrounds, The Raven: Legacy of a Master Thief and SSX.