



Yoshimitsu Makes Tekken 7 Debut Next Week

Yoshimitsu Makes Tekken 7 Debut Next Week

Earlier today, the Tekken Official blog website revealed that Yoshimitsu will be added to Tekken 7 on May 12.Yoshimitsu sports a new look and looks even more outrageous that he has in previous games.

Tekken 7 is currently only available at Japanese arcades. It’s more than likely that the game will come to both PS4 and Xbox One in the not too distant future.

After having an in-depth look at Yoshimitsu in this new trailer, I definitely commend Namco Bandai for going all out on the character design. Perhaps this title will receive a western release date during E3 2015. It won’t be too much longer now to find out if that is true.

Are any of you excited about Tekken 7 ? Please feel free to let us know in the comments section below.

Source: Tekken Official

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