Viral marketing is pretty awesome. Who doesn’t love their video games slipping into the real world? Bethesda did a little something for Fallout 3 , and you’ll be pleased to know it’s hanging around for Fallout 4 . You can actually call Vault-Tec!
You can’t actually get yourself access to a Vault-Tec vault, mind. It’s just a fun little Easter egg for people who’ve paid attention to in-game materials. In Fallout 4, you can find phone numbers for Vault-Tec on posters. It’s 1-888-4-Vault-Tec (1-888-4-82858-832).
The number does work, and you’ll get to hear a recording saying how busy they are, assigning you a number, and telling you how long you’ll be on hold. It’s a long time. After about 40 seconds, it trails off. Which is fine, because you’ll always have Fallout 4 ‘s Vault 111 waiting for you.
Source: Polygon