





A new concept combines a zoo, a hunting range, a video game, and trained animals for non-lethal hunting fun.

ZooGun has been tested in remote areas of Canada to great success. The development team claims that ZooGun will be available at every major North American city within two years

ZooGun uses a special electronic light gun similar to a paintball gun. However, the only projectiles used are photons.

Animals are trained from birth to respond to this light gun. They fall to the ground when they see the reflection of the light gun on their fur. They are also trained to avoid the gun’s trajectory so as to make the thrill of the hunt more exciting. The longer the animal can go without being targeted, the bigger the treat it will receive.

Each ZooGun facility will take advantage of the local terrain. Animals will appear to roam free but will be confined to invisible, electronic compounds. Forested areas and obstructions can be incorporated into the landscape to make things more adventurous, as animals and hunters can take cover and hide from each other.

The developers claim the animals they have trained love the ZooGun concept. They respond positively to the human interaction, enjoying the game due to the treats they are given for their participation. The developers stress that there is no harm to the humans or the animals.

“Everything about ZooGun is positive,” says Petey Corngood. “The people have fun hunting, the animals enjoy the interaction, and the municipalities will see huge profits instead of their typical zoo deficits. People have lost interest in zoos. ZooGun brings back the excitement of seeing wild animals. It’s like an African safari without the blood and expense.”

ZooGun hunters can expect to pay fifty dollars for an afternoon’s entertainment. Scores will be tabulated and great prizes will be awarded for the best hunters daily. Corngood says if you like animals, then you’ll love killing them with ZooGun.

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