



3DS Browser Details Revealed

3DS Browser Details Revealed


The 3DS is getting a massive update next week—the day before their big press conference—that will include the much-delayed free Internet browser. Today, Nintendo has released some information about what exactly we can expect from the browser, and it’s all fairly standard stuff. The browser will look a lot like the DSi browser, with a full screen at the top, and zoom/text input being handled by the bottom screen. The browser also will not support flash or PDFs, which is a bit of a bummer.

However, the device will support viewing of 3D photos online. So if you upload a 3D photo you’ve taken with your 3DS and then try to view it as an MDO, you will be able to see it in 3D through the browser. The only issue with this is that the MDO format is fairly new and there aren’t that many websites that support it. Perhaps Nintendo can open its own photo sharing website? It doesn’t sounds like a bad idea to me.

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