



420BLAZEIT Is Brilliant! Download Now!

420BLAZEIT Is Brilliant! Download Now!

Are you a fan of Call of Duty montages, with the hashtags, the superimposed comic sans text, the Snoop Dog GIFs, the air horns, and the rest of the horrendously tacky MLG pro gamer buzz that goes into these videos? Then you will love 420BLAZEIT , an incredible new game by Andy Sum.

420BLAZEIT is a shooter which has you facing off against the illuminati or… something. None of that really matters. What matters every successful shot gets the fanfare it deserves, including flashing lights, dubstep, poor audio quality taunts, and more. It’s as if you are playing a highlight video, and it is amazing.

Be sure to pick up your Mountain Dew and Doritos for health! In fact, pick them up even if you don’t need health. Your character is fueled by Mountain Dew and Doritos. ALL HAIL MOUNTAIN DEW AND DORITOS!


You can download it or play it in browser here.

Source: Kotaku

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