Sony is on fire this generation! I’m not sure what came first for PS4, the incredible features or record-breaking sales, but it seems that each is feeding into the other at this point. Every month it seems like there’s something new to look forward to. Another great exclusive, new hardware, firmware improvements… Sony stepped up and knocked it out of the park this generation, and there’s no end in sight. Here are seven ways they’re killing it right now:
Early Access to Call of Duty Content
Activision and Sony reached one hell of an agreement this generation. I don’t know what Activision has gotten out of it, but I know that it’s meant a ton of early content for Call of Duty fans on PS4. Say what you want about Call of Duty and its competitors; the fact remains that CoD is still king, and tens of millions of sold copies prove that the CoD formula continues to excite us with every iteration. Now PS4 players are getting early access to the Infinite Warfare multiplayer beta, and I’m days away from getting the Platinum for Modern Warfare Remastered . I was about to say, “You can’t put a price on perks like that,” but I think you can. Sony did.
Leading the Charge on Console Upgrades
It’s a strange transitional generation we’re in. Before Nintendo reveals its next hybrid oddity and before Microsoft blows us away with the raw power of Project Scorpio, Sony has cut right to the chase and given us a viable and immediate mid-gen upgrade. The PS4 Pro stands to be the ultimate home console solution whether your priority is 4K, enhanced 1080p, or VR gaming.
Indies Are Flourishing
Indies have found a great home on PS4, and many owe their success and notoriety to their PS4 release. Rocket League wouldn’t be the smash hit it is today if it didn’t gain a passionate, foundational player-base through PlayStation Plus. The Witness and Firewatch became almost instant GOTY candidates after they hit the PlayStation store earlier this year. Now Drool’s Thumper is being hailed as PlayStation VR’s killer app. There’s a fine line between keeping an open door for smaller, creative devs, and allowing crapware to flood your store. Sony walks that line beautifully – something I wish Nintendo would learn to do.
PlayStation Now Is Better Than Ever
Sony hasn’t stopped improving PlayStation Now. Sure, Xbox One owners can play many of their old 360 games if Microsoft has enabled them to do so, but with PlayStation Now, a flat subscription fee is all that stands between you and pretty much every PS3 game worth a damn. The best of an entire generation of gaming is just a few clicks away, ready to stream on your PS4 or your PC. Speaking of PC…
PlayStation on PC
It’s never been easier to access all of the best PlayStation content remotely. We’ve been able to Remote Play our PS4s and PlayStation Now on the PS Vita for a while now, but the transition to PC has been an absolute godsend. If you have a semi-decent laptop or desktop and a decent internet connection, you have access to your entire library of PS4 and PS3 games wherever you are. And playing your games has never been easier thanks to evolving DualShock 4 support for Windows. You can purchase a wireless dongle for Remote Play, and Steam will soon fully support your DS4 as well.
All the Best Exclusives
Many of this generation’s most unforgettable titles are available only on PS4, or else available first on PS4. Bloodborne, Journey, God of War, Horizon: Zero Dawn, World of Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest Builders, Until Dawn, The Last of Us: Remastered, Uncharted 4 … there are so many games to love and to look forward to. Some games did show up late to the party on PS4 – I’m looking at you, Rise of the Tomb Raider – but in that case Sony did end up getting the definitive version with marked improvements and additions. Come at me, Xbros, you know it’s true.
Championing Console VR
PlayStation VR is going to change everything. I think it’s important to realize that even if the hardware ends up lacking longevity and widespread third-party support, having millions of gamers engaged in VR in the console space is going to do wonders for the future of this technology and affordable VR solutions. Sony will be figuring out what types of mechanics work well in VR, what type of VR media gamers are willing to pay for, and what existing games and genres fans request to see in VR. It’s figuring that out for every company investing in the tech, not just for itself. Oh yeah – it’s a hell of a lot of fun, too.