



Amazon France Leaks Resistance Trilogy?

Trails of Cold Steel III key art

Amazon France Leaks Resistance Trilogy?


According to the French arm of Amazon.com, Sony will be soon releasing the “Resistance Trilogy” as one bundle pack.

The game will include Resistance: Fall of Man, Resistance 2, and Resistance 3, and will be priced at 59.99 Euros. The pack will release on May 16th according to Amazon. A U.S. release has not yet been confirmed, and the Amazon listing does not list any additional content as part of the bundle. It appears as if the games will be packaged as is, according to the info we have right now, but it’s always possible that some additional content might be made exclusively for the trilogy.

We will bring you more information on the Resistance Trilogy as it becomes available.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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