



Amazon Let’s You Purchase Games From Twitter

Amazon Let’s You Purchase Games From Twitter

OK, so are you the type of person who is addicted to both shopping online and Twitter? You probably can’t put down your smartphone for even two seconds can you?

Regardless, Amazon has decided that it will make buying stuff even easier on you with a brand new hashtag, #AmazonCart. It works like this. If you find a tweet with an Amazon product link, you can respond to it using the hashtag #AmazonCart. Doing so will immediately put the linked item into your cart for purchase later, without ever having to head over to the Amazon site itself. You can then head on over to Amazon to confirm the purchase.

Of course, you could also always just follow the link on twitter and add it to your cart in the traditional way; it doesn’t exactly take much more effort. The only difference is that now your friends can see everything that you are purchasing, as you’ll be broadcasting it via Twitter. I suppose this is useful for anyone who uses their purchases to peacock to their other friends.

Then again, it’s also useful to see what online games your friends are purchasing. You may not be into buying Titanfall unless your social network has purchased it as well. So maybe this new functionality isn’t as goofy as it sounds on the surface.

Source: Amazon

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