



Amazon Prime Now Includes Twitch Prime

Amazon Prime Now Includes Twitch Prime

You know how Amazon owns Twitch? Well, now that means people who have an Amazon Prime subscription get a little something special from the streaming platform. Twitch Prime was announced at TwitchCon 2016, and you can start immediately reaping the rewards of the feature.

Twitch Prime is automatically offered with every Amazon Prime subscription. This means that you get free loot each month, ad-free viewing, chat colors, a chat badge, exclusive emotes, and a free channel subscription each month. The first rewards are a copy of Streamline and Tyrande Whisperwind for Hearthstone . People who attended TwitchCon ended up also getting a Bomb King weapon for Paladins and Boss Ymir skin for Smite.

It seems like Twitch Prime could end up being a good thing for gamers. It’s giving us a lot of good things with a subscription we might already have.

Source: Twitch Prime

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