



AMD Announces New Line Of Graphic Cards Designed For Cloud Gaming

AMD Announces New Line Of Graphic Cards Designed For Cloud Gaming

Cloud gaming is the industry’s latest obsession. Instead of running a game locally, you really only need to have a moderately powerful computer and an Internet connection. A server does all of the actual work. Then, your inputs are transmitted back and forth with a video stream of the game being played. As long as you have semi-decent hardware, you should be able to play nearly every game on the market.

Of course, decent video capabilities are sometimes hard to come by in the PC world. That’s why AMD has announced that they will be releasing a brand new line of video cards optimized for cloud gaming. Dubbed the Sky series, the AMD Sky 500, 700, and 900 are designed for speed and easy streaming. The 900 boasts six GB of video memory that operate at 480GB per second.

These graphics cards are designed specifically to keep latency low, and latency is the biggest problem when it comes to cloud gaming. No one wants to play a game that responds ten seconds after you press a button. Unfortunately, graphics technology is only part of the equation. Internet speed will always be an issue, especially if servers are located outside of the U.S.

Source: Game Informer

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