



Anarchy Reigns Delayed Until Mid-2012

Anarchy Reigns Delayed Until Mid-2012


Anarchy Reigns is an upcoming multiplayer action game by Platinum Games and SEGA. It’s crazy, über violent, button-mashy, and has the right amount of 3D battling goodness without descending into a Smash Bros. level of casual gameplay. This is a game that made us excited for January.

Now, we are told that we won’t be seeing the game in January after all. In fact, we won’t see Anarchy Reigns hit our consoles until July. Here is SEGA’s reason for the delay, according to SEGA West senior marketing VP Gary Knight :

“Anarchy Reigns brings a new take to the brawler genre and we’ve decided to take a little more time to deliver the full knockout punch. I can’t reveal much now, but it’s something to do with scale. Let’s just say traditional one on one or two versus two fighters will be a thing of the past…”

I suppose I can’t complain if they are just making the game better. I’m sure this is the only reason they have for the delay. It probably has nothing to do with the fact that Platinum games has recently taken on the development of Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance or anything.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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