



Annual Game in Scotland Event Starts on Saturday

Trails of Cold Steel III key art

Annual Game in Scotland Event Starts on Saturday

As detailed on ScottishGames.net , Scotland’s annual Game in Scotland event will be taking place at the University of Abertay’s Centre of Excellence for Videogames this Saturday (February 29). The University, which recently became the largest PlayStation teaching lab in Europe , will be the host of an event that brings together a bunch of local videogame development studies (both big and small), industry experts and speakers, and eager students or those of interest making way to hand in their CVs, or to inquire about certain things, into one place; all within a day of presentations, panels, exhibitions and workshops.

Like in previous years, Game in Scotland aims to bring in the expertise of those within the videogame industry and those who are interested in breaking into said industry under one roof, where those who are willing to learn can possibly gain insight into the industry and those who have a new title to show off, or perhaps just something to tell, can do so to an audience that is interested.

The event is a way of giving would-be animators, designers, artists, etc. an overview of what the industry is like, and how one could get into the videogames industry. What’s more, the event can also provide help to those who are wanting to start up their own development studio, those who already have a development studio, or even more seasoned developers who are looking for funding or business support.

Unlike last year’s Game in Scotland (which took place in a nightclub of all places), this year’s Game in Scotland will feature new in-depth “workshop” sessions, which will explore certain issues covered in Games Media , Writing For Games , Working As An Indie and Starting Your Own Studio . To attend these workshops, you’ll first need to book yourself in using the links provided below. You’ll also find a list of representatives of local developers who will be the event’s speakers, as well as other developers who will be there to show off their stuff.

12:00 Doors open

12:00-13:00 Exhibition Space

13:00-14:00 Speed Presentations (Lecture theatre 1)

14:00-15:00 Exhibition Space

15:00-15:30 Workshops: Games Media (LT1) Starting Your Own Studio (LT2)

15:30-16:00 Workshops: Working As An Indie (LT1) Writing For Games (LT2)

16:00-16:30 Exhibition Space

16:30-17:00 Panel – The Future of Games

17:00 – Close

Exhibitors include:

Speakers include:

  • Graeme Harvey (Tsumanga)

  • Kate Ho (Tigerface)

  • Anthony Magrath (Nevistech)

  • David Hamilton (Ninja Kiwi)

  • Charlie Czerkawski (Guerilla Tea)

  • Paul Leishman (Pixel Sword)

  • Tom Larkworthy (Firesafe)

  • Gavin Smart (YoYoGames)

  • Amanda Millen (Moray Game Jam/ScreenHi)

The Game in Scotland event takes place at the University of Abertay’s Centre of Excellence for Videogames, as mentioned above, in Dundee this coming Saturday. The event will open at 12pm GMT and close at 5pm GMT. There’s still time to register your place for the event if you’re interested in going, and if you happen to be within the local area. You can register yourself here . Admittance is free, so don’t worry about paying your way in! I’ll maybe see you there!

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