



Apple Removes Games That Feature Confederate Flag

Apple Removes Games That Feature Confederate Flag

In the wake of last month’s racially-motivated church shooting, Apple has removed all game apps that incorporate the Confederate Flag, requiring developers to remove all uses of the flag before being allowed back on the app store. Considering there are several historical sims out there, that’s a lot of content. While the reaction is certainly understandable, removing the apps leaves developers and studios in a difficult position, especially if they strive for realism and historical accuracy.

The problem with Apple’s decision is that it’s reactionary and doesn’t take into account other forms of media, which indirectly trivializes video games’ place in the world of art and culture. It would be one thing if all films, books, shows, etc. that incorporated the flag were targeted for removal, but at this point it is strictly video games. That seems radically unfair, all things considered. Sure, take down any app that glorifies the flag and/or racisim, but pretending that an ugly symbol from our nation’s past doesn’t exist isn’t going to solve the problems we’re now facing. We’ll see in the coming weeks if Apple revises this policy.

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