



Battle Chasers: Nightwar Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for Xbox One

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Battle Chasers: Nightwar Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for Xbox One

Battle Chasers: Nightwar Achievements

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Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points:

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    Brave by Default (15 points): Complete a dungeon on Legendary difficulty.
    Must Be Bored (30 points): Complete all dungeons on Legendary difficulty.
    The Looking Glass (15 points): Start New Game Plus.
    A Fantasy, Finalized (90 points): Complete the game on New Game Plus.
    Apprentice Crafter (10 points): Craft an item.
    Master Crafter (15 points): Craft 50 items.
    Rare Crafter (15 points): Craft 10 Rare Items.
    Epic Crafter (30 points): Craft 10 Epic Items.
    The New Standard (15 points): Craft a legendary item.
    Risk Taker (15 points): Craft an item with less than 10% success chance.
    Mystery Solved (15 points): Recover an item from the Mystery Box.
    Dirty Hands (15 points): Kill 500 enemies.
    Behold, My True Form (15 points): Reach level 30.
    You’re learning… (15 points): Unlock a Beast Perk.
    Little Game Hunter (15 points): Complete 50% of the Bestiary.
    Big Game Hunter (30 points): Complete 100% of the Bestiary.
    Angler (15 points): Catch 50 Fish.
    Beginner’s Luck (10 points): Catch an Epic Fish.
    Fish Watching (30 points): Complete the Fishiary.
    Well Read (15 points): Unlock 50% of the Lore Book.
    The Librarian (30 points): Unlock 100% of the Lore Book.
    An Unstoppable Force (15 points): Acquire 1 of the Heroes’ Ultimate Weapons.
    All out of bubblegum… (30 points): Acquire all of the Heroes’ Ultimate Weapons.
    Ch-ch-ch-changes! (15 points): Unlock a Hero Skin.
    Cosplaying (30 points): Unlock all Hero Skins.
    Battle Ready (15 points): Unlock a Level 3 Battle Burst.
    Mass Ruckus (30 points): Unlock All Battle Bursts.
    Warming Up (15 points): Get a Mid level score at the Battle Arena.
    Are You Not Entertained (30 points): Get Max Score in the Battle Arena.
    Fresh Mint (15 points): Acquire 100,000 gold (culmulative).
    The New Bitcoin (15 points): Acquire 200 Shadow Coins.
    Finders Keepers (15 points): Get all three chests in The Winding.
    Go On… (15 points): Kill one of the Beastmaster’s Targets.
    Like A Noss (30 points): Kill all the Beastmaster’s Targets.

Additionally, there are 14 secret achievements:

    Survivors (10 points): Make it to the road.
    It’s Just Beginning (10 points): Complete the Iron Outpost.
    Trial By Combat (15 points): Complete the Path of Fangs.
    Too Late (15 points): Complete Junktown.
    That’s Deep, Bro (15 points): Complete The Dig.
    Bad Moon Rising (15 points): Complete Deadwatch.
    Lich, Please (15 points): Complete Strongmont.
    Beauty is in the Eye (15 points): Complete the Crimson Garden.
    Vice Versa (15 points): Complete the Mana Rifts.
    Queen of the North (90 points): Kill C’drall.
    Barrel of Fun (15 points): Find Knolan.
    Blood and Tears (15 points): Bring Alumon into the party.
    Seeing Red (15 points): Find Monika.
    No Parley (15 points): Defeat the Pirate Captain.
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