



Battlefield 3’s Beta Is Huge

Battlefield 3’s Beta Is Huge


I wonder when FPSes will lose their momentum in today’s market. No time soon, that’s for sure. Battlefield Bad Company 2’s beta was pretty large as far online FPS betas go, but Battlefield 3 has surpassed it by leaps and bounds.

The Battlefield 3 multiplayer beta only opened to all gamers last Thursday, and in these short few days it has grown to six times the size of Battlefield: Bad Company 2’s beta. We aren’t even talking about the total number gamers playing the beta, we are talking about the total number of gamers playing the beta at one time! BF3 has outdone BFBC2’s simultaneous connection record by six times in just a week. This is all for a beta that DICE has admitted is “early” and is “not representative of the final game.”

That being said, Magnus Troedsson of DICE said that this is all because of the beta testers themselves. He said that the game will look, play, and sound better than the beta due to all the support that beta-testers have given DICE in refining it.

If you haven’t played the beta yet, hurry up and get on that. The beta closes October 10, so you only have a few days left.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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