



Black Ops Offers “I’m Sorry” Double XP Weekend

Black Ops Offers “I’m Sorry” Double XP Weekend


The PS3 Black Ops servers were cut off for about a month when the PSN went down. That’s enough to make any dedicated Call of Duty fan go crazy. It didn’t help that Activision rubbed salt and lemon juice in the wound by hosting a double XP weekend right in the middle of it all. Fearing that these loyal players might snap and go on a real life bullet-spraying rampage, Activision has decided to make it up to them by hosting a PS3 exclusive double XP weekend.

The event was first confirmed through the Twitter feed of Treyarch’s Josh Olin. He stated that players would not only be receiving double XP, but that the servers would be hosting a 24/7 Nuketown playlist. For those of you who don’t know, Nuketown is an extremely small map that lends itself to lots of kills and therefore lots of XP gain. Activision wants you to power-level, so don’t disappoint them.

The event starts today and was barely even announced. If you are a dedicated Black Ops fan, what the heck are you doing here reading the news? Go get some headshots, man. Get prestiged! Teabag someone!

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