



Blizzard Makes Strange Decisions For Diablo III

Blizzard Makes Strange Decisions For Diablo III


Something tells me that Blizzard has been kidnapped and replaced with a race of pod-people from Bizarro World, because their recent choices for Diablo III seem incredibly un-Blizzard-like.

First of all, Blizzard will not be supporting Diablo III mods. In fact, it will explicitly prohibit all mods to the game. This is strange considering Blizzard mod support gave rise to games like Defense of the Ancients.

In addition, Blizzard will launch Auction House, a new in-game service that allows players to buy and sell loot for actual real world money. It also doubles as being a trading ground for loot trades and purchase via in-game currency, but micro-transactions in Diablo? That’s something we never thought we would see.

In addition, Diablo III will be an online only game. Even if you plan to play the game solo, Blizzard will require you to have an active internet connection to prevent cheating or loot hacking. It will also, of course, reduce piracy, item duping, character hacking, and other things that would affect the economy Blizzard is trying to create with Auction House.

Now we’ll have to wait and see how long it is before someone cracks the code and gets rich off of self-made legendary items.

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