



Bungie Parts From Halo

Bungie Parts From Halo


This weekend, Bungie has officially parted ways with the Halo franchise. The franchise has now fully made the transition to 343 Industries. Bungie will no longer update stats or records, host Halo content on their servers, or operate Bungie Pro.

Bungie did say that they would not get rid of the information that they have so far. In fact, they have compiled all the information from their servers to create one gigantic infographic. The graphic shows stats such as games played, kills, assists, and more for the entire Halo fan base. In fact, it appears that the collective time spent playing Halo was 235,182 years! According to the infographic, that’s enough time to travel across the Milky Way at the speed of light and back.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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