NBA Hoopz
Cheat Codes
At the versus screen, press Turbo (default is X), Shoot (default is A), and Pass (default is B) to change the icons on the bottom of the screen. The numbers in the following list indicate the number of times each button is pressed. After the icons have been changed, press the D-pad in the indicated direction to enable the code. If you entered the code correctly, you will see the name of the code and hear a sound. For example, to enter 1-2-3 Left, press Turbo, Shoot(2), Pass(3), Left. Note: More then one code may be activated per game.
Result | Code |
Infinite turbo | 3-1-2 Up |
Beach court | 0-2-3 Left |
Street court | 3-2-0 Left |
Home uniform | 0-1-4 Right |
Away uniform | 0-2-4 Right |
ABA ball | 1-1-1 Right |
Granny shots | 1-2-1 Left |
Show shot % | 0-1-1 Down |
Show hotspot | 1-1-0 Down |
No goaltending | 4-4-4 Left |
No fouls [Note] | 2-2-2 Right |
No hotspots [Note] | 3-0-1 Up |
Big heads | 3-0-0 Right |
Tiny heads | 3-3-0 Left |
Tiny players | 5-4-3 Left |
Note: Two player agreement required.
-Some codes from: [email protected] and [email protected]
Max Attribute Points | DF988C44 00000003 |
Home Team Infinite Turbo | FEE99A90 00000001 |
Home Team Big Heads | CE0BEBEE 00000001 |
Away Team Infinite Turbo | FEE99A90 00000002 |
Away Team Big Heads | CE0BEBEE 00000002 |
Both Teams Infinite Turbo | FEE99A90 00000003 |
Both Teams Big Heads | CE0BEBEE 00000003 |
Both Teams Shoot Home Basket | 9B5828CD 00000000 |
Both Teams Shoot Away Basket | 9B5828CD 00000001 |
Beach Court | 914806E1 00000001 |
Street Court | EF771482 00000001 |
No Goaltending | D0D88FC9 00000001 |
No Fouls | 425A13DF 00000003 |
Granny Shots | 85A38116 00000003 |
Show Shot % | BF86369B 00000003 |
Show Hotspots | 412A13DF 00000001 |
No Hotspots | 913806E1 00000003 |
Home Uniform | 59277B41 00000001 |
Away Uniform | AFE35D87 00000001 |
ABA Ball | EC671482 00000001 |
Tiny Heads | 6CCB6757 00000001 |
Tiny Players | AE935D87 00000001 |
Home Team Scores 0 | F489B4BC 00000000 5297556D 00000000 8F73AF3A 00000000 DA78A1E5 00000000 |
Home Team Scores 200 | F489B4BC 00000032 5297556D 00000032 8F73AF3A 00000032 DA78A1E5 00000032 |
Away Team Scores 0 | F4F9B4BC 00000000 3BD1067D 00000000 8FC3AF3A 00000000 B46618B7 00000000 |
Away Team Scores 200 | F4F9B4BC 00000032 3BD1067D 00000032 8FC3AF3A 00000032 B46618B7 00000032 |
The image featured at the top of this post is ©The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III key art.