



NBA Showtime: NBA On NBC Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes for PlayStation (PSX)

NBA Showtime: NBA On NBC Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes for PlayStation (PSX)

NBA Showtime: NBA On NBC Alternate costumes

When creating a custom player, press Up or Down for alternate costumes. -From: [email protected]

Team mascots

Enter one of the following names and PIN numbers to unlock the corresponding team mascot:

[lasso rel="amzn-razer-blackshark-v2-and-usb-sound-card-multi-platform-headset-for-esports-pc-mac-playstation-4-switch-xbox-1-smartphone-50mm-drivers" id="177836"]

Mascot Name PIN
Atlanta Hawks HAWK 0322
Charlotte Hornets HORNET 1105
Chicago Bulls BENNY 0503
Denver Nuggets ROCKY 0201
Houston Rockets TURBO 1111
Indiana Pacers BOOMER 0604
Minnesota Timberwolves CRUNCH 0503
New Jersey Nets SLY 6765
Phoenix Suns GORILA 0314
Seattle Sonics SASQUA 7785
Toronto Raptors RAPTOR 1020
Utah Jazz BEAR 1228

Create-a-player characters

Enter one of the following names and PIN numbers to unlock the corresponding hidden player:

Player Name PIN
Kerri the Female Player KERRI 0220
Kerri in Alternate Uniform KERRI 1111
Lia the Female Player LIA 0712
Lia in Alternate Uniform LIA 1111
Small Alien SMALLS 0856
Large Alien BIGGY 0958
Pinto Horse PINTO 1966
White Horse HORSE 1966
Nikko the Devil Dog NIKKO 6666
Clown CRISPY 2084
Pumpkin JACKO 1031
Wizard THEWIZ 1136
Referee THEREF 7777
Retro Rob RETRO 1970
Old Man OLDMAN 2001

Midway staff

Enter one of the following names and PIN numbers to unlock the corresponding Midway staff member:

Staff member Position Name PIN
Mark Turmell Midway Lead Programmer TURMEL 0322
Rob Gatson Midway Programmer GATSON 1111
Mark Guidarelli Midway Programmer GUIDO 6765
Dan Thompson Midway Programmer DANIEL 0604
Jeff Johson Midway Programmer JAPPLE 6660
Jason Skiles Midway Programmer JASON 3141
Sal DiVita Midway Lead Artist SAL 0201
Jennifer Hedrick Midway Artist JENIFR 3333
Jennifer Hedrick Alternate Uniform JENIFR 1111
Eugene Geer Midway Artist E GEER 1105
Matt Gilmore Midway Artist MATT G 1006
Tim Bryant Midway Artist TIMMYB 3314
Jim Gentile Midway Artist GENTIL 1228
John Root Midway Artist ROOT 6000
Jon Hey Midway Sound and Music JONHEY 8823
Andy Eloff Midway System Hardware ELOFF 2181
Mike Lynch Midway System Hardware LYNCH 3333
Paulo Garcia Midway Game Tester PAULO 0517
Brian LeBaron Midway Game Tester GRINCH 0222
Alex Gilliam Midway Game Tester LEX 0014
Jim Tianis Midway Creative Media DIMI 0619
Dave Grossman Midway Creative Media DAVE 1104
Tim Moran Midway Creative Media TIMCRP 6666
Larry Wotman Midway Creative Media STRAT 2112
Chris Skrundz Midway Creative Media CMSVID 0000
Beth Smukowski Midway Creative Media BETHAN 1111
Paul Martin Midway PC Support STENTR 0269

Miscellaneous players

[lasso rel="amzn-razer-blackshark-v2-and-usb-sound-card-multi-platform-headset-for-esports-pc-mac-playstation-4-switch-xbox-1-smartphone-50mm-drivers" id="177836"]

Enter one of the following names and PIN numbers to unlock the corresponding player:

Person Position Name PIN
Shawn Liptak Programming Consultant LIPTAK 0114
Isiah Thomas NBC Sports Announcer THOMAS 1111
Tim Kitzrow Midway Sports Announcer TIMK 7785
Willy Morris Motion Capture Actor WIL 0101
Greg Cutler Motion Capture Actor CUTLER 1111
Chad Edmunds Motion Capture Actor CHAD 0628

Bonus courts

Hold one of the following buttons combinations immediately after selecting players at the “Choose Team” screen to play on the corresponding court:

Court Code
Team 1 (Left) Hold Up + Turbo
Team 2 (Right) Hold Down + Turbo
Street Court Hold Left + Turbo
Island Court Hold Right + Turbo
Midway Court Hold Up + Shoot + Pass
NBC Court Hold Down + Shoot + Pass

-From: [email protected]

Cheat Codes

At the versus screen, press Turbo, Shoot, and Pass to change the icons on the bottom of the screen. The numbers in the following list indicate the number of times each button is pressed. After the icons have been changed, press the D-pad in the indicated direction to enable the code. If you entered the code correctly, you will see the name of the code and hear a sound. For example, to enter 1-2-3 Left, press Turbo, Shoot(2), Pass(3), Left. Note: More then one code may be activated per game.

Result Code
ABA ball 2-3-2-Right
Tournament mode (no power-ups) 1-1-1 Down
Big head mode 2-0-0 Right
Show shot % 0-0-1 Down
Show Hotspot 1-0-0 Down
No replays 3-3-1 Left
No player arrows 3-2-1 Left
No goal tending 5-5-5 Left
No fouls [Note 1] 2-2-2 Right
No Hotspots [Note 1] 2-0-1 Up
Fog on [Note 2] 1-2-3 Up
Thick fog on [Note 2] 1-2-3 Down
Swamp fog on [Note 2] 1-2-3 Right
Night fog on [Note 2] 1-2-3 Left
Snow on [Note 2] 1-2-1 Left
Blizzard on [Note 2] 1-3-1 Left
Rain on [Note 2] 1-4-1 Left
Team uniform [Note 1] 4-0-0 Right
Midway uniform 4-0-1 Right
Home uniform 4-1-0 Right
Away uniform 4-2-0 Right
Alternate uniform 4-3-0 Right

Note 1: Two player agreement required.

Note 2: Only on outdoor courts.

-From: [email protected]

Game Shark Codes

Joker Command P1 D00A71F6 ????
Joker Command P2 D00A721A ????
Infinite Turbo All Players 8003F6CA 2400
Infinite Turbo P1 800B5256 0006
No Turbo P1 800B5256 0000
No Fouls P1 800B5204 0000
One Foul Left P1 D00B5204 0000
800B5204 0005
Infinite Turbo P2 800B52AA 0006
No Turbo P2 800B52AA 0000
No Fouls P2 800B5208 0000
One Foul Left P2 D00B5208 0000
800B5208 0005
Infinite Turbo P3 800B52FE 0006
No Turbo P3 800B52FE 0000
No Fouls P3 800B520C 0000
One Foul Left P3 D00B520C 0000
800B520C 0005
Infinite Turbo P4 800B5352 0006
No Turbo P4 800B5352 0000
No Fouls P4 800B5210 0000
One Foul Left P4 D00B5210 0000
800B5210 0005
Team 1 Score Modifier 800B5160 00??
Team 2 Score Modifier 800B517C 00??
Both Teams 2 Pointers Score Modifier D00CC894 0090
800CC898 00??
Both Teams 3 Pointers Score Modifier D00CCBE8 0018
800CCBEC 00??
Slow-Motion Mode 8009FAAC 0DFE
Big Head Mode Modifier 8009D03C 00??
Character Creation Codes
Infinite Creation Points 300B4E16 000A
Infinite Creation Points (Alternate) 800D15A6 2400
Add Creation Points Instead of Losing Them 800D159C 0001
Have All Privileges 300B4E17 0002
Max Height 8015ABAC 0014
Max Weight 8015ABB0 0014
Max Power 8015ABB4 0014
Max Speed 8015ABB8 0014
Max 2 Ptrs 8015ABBC 0014
Max 3 Ptrs 8015ABC0 0014
Max Steal 8015ABC4 0014
Max Block 8015ABC6 0014
Max Dunks 8015ABCC 0014
Max Dribble 8015ABD0 0014
Max Stats (GS 2.2 or Higher Needed) 50000A04 0000
8015ABAC 0014
Quantity Digits to Accompany Big Head Mode Modifier Code
01 – P1
02 – P2
03 – P1 & P2
04 – P3
08 – P4
0C – P3 & P4
0F – All Of The Above

[lasso rel="amzn-razer-blackshark-v2-and-usb-sound-card-multi-platform-headset-for-esports-pc-mac-playstation-4-switch-xbox-1-smartphone-50mm-drivers" id="177836"]
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