



Criterion In Talks About Burnout Paradise Backwards Compatibility

Criterion In Talks About Burnout Paradise Backwards Compatibility

With the announcement of backwards compatibility on Xbox One coming to the system with this fall’s console update, everyone is hoping their own personal favorite game will make the list. While the Burnout series has never moved as many units as some of the more high-profile racing games out there, it’s an amazing line of titles that has influenced several over series over the years.

The last title in the series, Burnout Paradise , was perhaps the zenith of the franchise. It featured a large open land-mass filled with various events, tons of DLC (most of which was free), and still to this day holds up in terms of visuals – the game is drop-dead gorgeous. Well, there’s hope for being able to play the 360 title on your Xbox One, as Criterion recently tweeted that they’re in talks with Microsoft about that very issue. Fingers crossed.

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