



Dark Souls II Date Leak Confirmed

Dark Souls II Date Leak Confirmed

With E3 only a week away, the Los Angeles Convention Center is already being prepared for the exposition, part of which involves decking it out in large banner advertisements for some of the show’s most hotly anticipated games. In the case of Dark Souls II, the next in the brutally difficult series from From Software, the ad revealed more than was initially intended.

Beneath the large-type name of the game, in smaller, red print, is a date: March 2014.

Namco Bandai, the title’s Western publisher, has now confirmed that the date is accurate, and Dark Souls II is intended to launch at some point next March. As of yet, no specific day is on record, but the fact that a month has already been pinned down indicates a smooth development cycle, and that the game is perhaps farther along than anticipated. With any luck, maybe the title will be on display at the expo.

Source: Eurogamer

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