Congratulations everyone. The PlayStation 3 Dark Souls II beta was delayed! Wait…that’s not good news at all.
Namco Bandai has offered a series of tweets apologizing for the inability for North and South American beta testers to log into the beta that was supposed to start yesterday. The tweets started by saying that Namco Bandai was looking into network issues. As they continued on, Namco Bandai said that North and South American players would not be able to participate in this beta at all! They have, instead, pushed back the North and South American network test to an unspecified later date.
Not to worry, though. Everyone who was supposed to be in this test will be allowed in the next one. They will just have to wait a little bit longer.
Source: Namco Bandai Twitter
The image featured at the top of this post is ©The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III key art.