Did you ever want to feel what it’s like to be a lumberjack in the digital world? No? Well, Bandai Namco is creating a brand new Luberjack video game anyway.
The game is called Professional Lumberjack 2015 and will feature all the popular lumberjack games like. Uhhhh… errrr….. uh…. Chopping wood I guess… and climbing trees… and… chopping apart the trees you cut down.
Bandai Namco is actually really excited about the game’s release tweeting “have you always wanted to be a Lumberjack?” to their Twitter feed. Not only that, but it already has Professional Lumberjack 2016 in the pipeline.
And if that wasn’t crazy enough, Bandai Namco will also be publishing Professional Farmer 2015 . Now you get to slave away in the hot sun like a real farmer.
Personally, I am just waiting for these games to give cameo characters to the Tekken series.
Source: Gamespot