Deus Ex
Cheat Codes
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the “user.ini” file in the “deusex/system” directory. Locate a key that is not already bound to a game function, such as “T”. Add the “talk” command to that key. For example, “t=talk”. Repeat this for all entries for that key in the file. Press T during a game, press [Backspace] to remove the word “Say” from the talk window, then type ” set DeusEx.JCDentonMale bCheatsEnabled True ” to enable cheat mode. Then, press T and enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:
Result | Cheat Code |
God mode | god |
All images | allimages |
All skill points | allskillpoints |
All basic augmentations | allaugs |
All weapons | allweapons |
Full ammunition | allammo |
Full health | allhealth |
Full energy | allenergy |
Flight mode enabled | fly |
Flight and no clipping modes disabled | walk |
Third party view enabled | behindview 1 |
Third party view disabled | behindview 0 |
No clipping mode | ghost |
Invisibility | invisible |
Enable EMP field | iamwarren |
Kill current target | tantalus |
10,000 credits | allcredits |
Unlock targeted door | opensesame |
Hidden menu | legend |
Set game speed | slomo [number] |
Spawn indicated item | summon [item name] |
Spawn number of items | spawnmass [number] [item name] |
Level and FMV sequence select | open [level name] |
Item names
Use one of the following values with the ” summon [item name]” or ” spawnmass [number] [item name]” codes:
- AcousticSensor
- AdaptiveArmor
- AlexJacobson
- Ammo10mm
- Ammo20mm
- Ammo3006
- AmmoDart
- AmmoDartFlare
- AmmoDartPoison
- AmmoNapalm
- AmmoPlasma
- AmmoRockets
- AmmoRocketWP
- AmmoSabot
- AugBallistic
- AugCloak
- AugDatalink
- AugEMP
- AugEnviro
- AugIFF
- AugShield
- AugStealth
- AugTarget
- BallisticArmor
- Basketball
- Binoculars
- BobPage
- Candybar
- Cigarettes
- Credits
- FireExtinguisher
- Flare
- Gray
- Greasel
- HazMatSuit
- JaimeReyes
- JCDentonMale
- JoeGreene
- JojoFine
- Liquor40oz
- LiquorBottle
- Lockpick
- MedicalBot
- MedKit
- MultiTool
- NicoletteDuClare
- PaulDenton
- Rebreather
- RepairBot
- Sodacan
- SoyFood
- Terrorist
- TiffanySavage
- VialAmbrosia
- VialCrack
- WaltonSimons
- WeaponAssaultGun
- WeaponAssaultShotgun
- WeaponBaton
- WeaponCombatKnife
- WeaponCrowbar
- WeaponEMPGrenade
- WeaponFlameThrower
- WeaponGasGrenade
- WeaponHideAGun
- WeaponLAM
- WeaponLAW
- WeaponMiniCrossbow
- Weaponmodaccuracy
- Weaponmodclip
- Weaponmodlaser
- Weaponmodrange
- Weaponmodrecoil
- Weaponmodscope
- Weaponmodsilencer
- WeaponNanoSword
- WeaponNanoVirusGrenade
- WeaponPepperGun
- WeaponPistol
- WeaponPlasmaRifle
- WeaponProd
- WeaponRifle
- WeaponSawedOffShotgun
- WeaponShuriken
- WeaponStealthPistol
- WeaponSword
- WineBottle
Level names
Use one of the following values with the ” open [level name]” code:
- 00_Training
- 00_TrainingCombat
- 00_TrainingFinal
- 01_NYC_UNATCOIsland
- 02_NYC_Bar
- 02_NYC_BatteryPark
- 02_NYC_FreeClinic
- 02_NYC_Hotel
- 02_NYC_Smug
- 02_NYC_Street
- 02_NYC_Underground
- 02_NYC_Warehouse
- 03_NYC_747
- 03_NYC_Airfield
- 03_NYC_AirfieldHeliBase
- 03_NYC_BatteryPark
- 03_NYC_BrooklynBridgeStation
- 03_NYC_Hangar
- 03_NYC_MolePeople
- 03_NYC_UNATCOIsland
- 04_NYC_Bar
- 04_NYC_BatteryPark
- 04_NYC_Hotel
- 04_NYC_Smug
- 04_NYC_Street
- 04_NYC_UNATCOIsland
- 04_NYC_Underground
- 05_NYC_UNATCOIsland
- 05_NYC_UNATCOMJ12lab
- 06_HongKong_Helibase
- 06_HongKong_MJ12lab
- 06_HongKong_Storage
- 06_HongKong_TongBase
- 06_HongKong_VersaLife
- 06_HongKong_WanChai_Canal
- 06_HongKong_WanChai_Garage
- 06_HongKong_WanChai_Market
- 06_HongKong_WanChai_Street
- 06_HongKong_WanChai_Underworld
- 08_NYC_Bar
- 08_NYC_FreeClinic
- 08_NYC_Hotel
- 08_NYC_Smug
- 08_NYC_Street
- 08_NYC_Underground
- 09_NYC_Dockyard
- 09_NYC_Graveyard
- 09_NYC_Ship
- 09_NYC_ShipBelow
- 09_NYC_ShipFan
- 10_Paris_Catacombs
- 10_Paris_Catacombs_Tunnels
- 10_Paris_Chateau
- 10_Paris_Club
- 10_Paris_Metro
- 11_Paris_Cathedral
- 11_Paris_Everett
- 11_Paris_Underground
- 12_Vandenberg_Cmd
- 12_Vandenberg_Computer
- 12_Vandenberg_Gas
- 12_Vandenberg_Tunnels
- 14_OceanLab_Lab
- 14_Oceanlab_Silo
- 14_OceanLab_UC
- 14_Vandenberg_Sub
- 15_Area51_Bunker
- 15_Area51_Entrance
- 15_Area51_Final
- 15_Area51_Page
Use one of the following values with the ” open [level name]” code to view the corresponding FMV sequence:
- 00_Intro
- 99_Endgame1
- 99_Endgame2
- 99_Endgame3
- 99_Endgame4
The image featured at the top of this post is ©The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III key art.