



DICE Has Resolved Battlefield 4 Rubber Banding Issue

DICE Has Resolved Battlefield 4 Rubber Banding Issue

It’s known that Battlefield 4 has been suffering a myriad of bugs since its launch, most particularly concerning its multiplayer. As of Friday, April 25, DICE has announced that it has finally found the root of the rubber banding issue that players have been experience on certain platforms, and the developer has implemented new hardware to resolve the issue.

As it turns out, the cause was a configuration of certain hardware typed dedicated to 64-player matches. DICE will be introducing new higher-performance servers this week, which it has been preparing for by conducting a significant amount of tests to make sure that the new servers will correct the issue.

DICE wanted to make sure that the process of implementing of the new servers was done 100 percent correct, so the process took longer than what the developer would have liked. According to the studio, 64-player matches have already seen performance improvements.

Battlefield 4’s Platoons feature–which was made available for Early Access back in January, and it was later released in March–recently received an improvement which allowed you to see what servers your Platoon members are playing on. A fact sheet of the game was also released on Wednesday, March 6, which details a comprehensive overview of what the game is.

[ Battlefield.com ]

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