



DICE Continues To Battle Battlefield 4 Problems

DICE Continues To Battle Battlefield 4 Problems

Battlefield 4 has been a great addition to the FPS franchise, but not without a myriad of glitches and bugs to go along with it. Now, DICE reveals their latest plans to combat the continuing issues.

Karl Magnus Troedsson (DICE VP) posted a lengthy blog posted, touting the addition of their new high-end performance servers they hope will finally put many of these reacquiring problems (like the rubber-banding players are experiencing ) to rest. “We have invested in new hardware to resolve this issue and deployed new higher-performance servers this week. In preparation, we conducted a significant amount of testing before installing the new servers to ensure they would correct the issue. We are already seeing performance improvement with 64-player matches and expect this to continue” he said.

Player’s unfortunately have been dealing with these types of setbacks on the technical side of Battlefield 4 since day one of its launch. Many have been upset with how long it has taken for the support team to finally get on the ball, as patch after patch has only provided minor fixes. Troedsson, however, says the extended development period was necessary in order to make sure that this time; the issues were resolved for good. “While the process took longer than we would’ve liked, we wanted to be 100 percent sure it was done right and that the long-term solution was properly in place. Our objective is to deliver the best player experience possible. We feel this solution helps us deliver that to you. Stay tuned to our official channels for more information.” Troedsson states.

We’ll keep you posted regarding DICE’s latest fix, and let you know if any further support issues arise with Battlefield 4 .

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