



DICE Store Enters Beta

DICE Store Enters Beta


Just in time for the Battlefield 3 beta, the DICE store has gone live in its own “beta” format. Featuring shirts and hoodies themed after Battlefield and Mirror’s Edge, as well as DICE itself, the site currently has two dozen designs from which to choose. So now you can flaunt your DICE love in public, or simply lounge around in a comfortable, gel-logoed t-shirt.

Furthermore, just until Friday, the DICE store is offering 10% off on any item to anyone who checks out using the code “BATTLEFIELD3,” sweetening the pot for prospective purchasers of threads.

It may not be as sweet as an invite into the Battlefield 3 beta, but fans of the Battlefield series, of the under-appreciated parkour-ish Mirror’s Edge, or simply of DICE’s work in general should get a kick out of at least perusing the store, if not taking advantage of its inaugural discount.

By Shelby Reiches

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