



DOOM May Come With DOOM I and II

DOOM May Come With DOOM I and II

Another Xbox One pre-order incentive has leaked. Before Bandai Namco confirmed it, people on the internet discovered a backwards compatible, digital copy of Dark Souls would come with Dark Souls III pre-orders. Now, it turns out DOOM will come with downloads of additional DOOM s.

The promotion appeared on Xbox.com . People who opt for a digital copy of DOOM will receive download codes for the Xbox 360 version of the original DOOM and DOOM II . These will arrive between seven and ten days after someone places the order.

You’ll also get some DLC for pre-ordering DOOM . The Demon Multiplayer Pack comes with it too. It includes a demonic set of armor with three skins, three id logo patterns for weapons or armor, six metallic paints, and six one-use perk Hack Modules to use in the game.

DOOM will be released on May 13 on the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Windows PCs. There’s no word on what pre-order incentives the PS4 or PC will get yet.

Source: Xbox.com , VG24/7

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