



EA Is Finally Giving BF1943 To PS3 Owners

Trails of Cold Steel III key art

EA Is Finally Giving BF1943 To PS3 Owners


A while back, EA got fans of the Battlefield franchise excited when they promised to include a free copy of Battlefield 1943 with the PS3 version of Battlefield 3. But, when BF3 finally hit the shelves, gamers were surprised that EA had reneged on the deal without telling anyone. Well, after dealing with a class action lawsuit, and hordes of angry fans, Electronic Arts has finally thrown in the towel.

This week, EA set up a swanky new website for players to cash in on their free copy of Battlefield 1943. Fans in the US will be able to pick up their vouchers on December 10th, but they’ll need to activate their Online Pass first.

In a statement on their website, EA said “There have been some misunderstandings around Battlefield 1943 and Battlefield 3. To address this we are making Battlefield 1943 available free of charge to owners of Battlefield 3 on the PS3 beginning this month.”

The “misunderstanding” that they’re talking about happened when players expected to receive the things that EA promised. Weird.

By Josh Engen

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