



EVE Online Developer Gets Layoffs

EVE Online Developer Gets Layoffs


CCP games, the developer behind EVE Online, announced today that they would be laying off roughly 20 percent of their current workforce. The change will reportedly not have much of an effect on EVE, which is “in good health,” but it will undoubtedly stretch their current staff even thinner.

“[W]e have come to the conclusion that we are attempting too many things for a company our size,” said a CCP representative. “Developing EVE expansions, Dust 514, and World of Darkness has stretched our resources too thin.”

CCP is reportedly planning to focus their attention on titles set in the EVE Online universe. This means that games like World of Darkness will have to take an unfortunate backseat.

“World of Darkness lives on,” says CCP. “Its concepts are revolutionary. CCP continues to believe that it will alter the landscape of the MMO as significantly as EVE has done, but we need more time to continue to develop them before dedicating the substantial resources required to bring this experience to market.”

Currently CCP employs about 600 people and some 120 of them will hit the bread lines very soon; most of those cuts will come from their Atlanta Georgia branch. Although, several “select positions” will be cut from their headquarters in Reykjavik, Iceland.

By Josh Engen

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