Well everyone. It’s finally here! The day you have all been waiting for. Square-Enix has finally announced that they will be remaking Final Fantasy VII .
Square-Enix said that they need to take a break before developing the next Final Fantasy title after Final Fantasy XV . As such, they will instead focus on recreating VII in glorious HD and hopefully learning something about what made their past games wonderful in the process.
The Final Fantasy VII remake will be fully voice acted, and will be given an all new script. Most game systems will be left intact, from materia to the ATB system, but new materia and items, as well as new game content that will connect the game to titles like Crisis Core , Dirge of Cerberus , and the movie Advent Children , will be added.
Not only that, but the game will have several online functions. For example, you will be able to trade your materia online with your friends. You will also be able to face off against your friends in Gold Saucer mini-games, such as Chocobo Races.
What else does Square-Enix have in store for us? Might they finally let Aeris survive this time? We will have to wait and see.
Source: Final Faprifools