Firaxis has always been committed to the continuation of genres that have long since fallen out of the public spotlight. They continue to create 4X titles such as Civilization , and are one of the only producers of the genre today. Now, they are taking on another old genre, the Space Sim, in the recently announced game Sid Meier’s Starships .
Pegged to arrive in early 2015, Sid Meier’s Starships is a turn based “interstellar strategy” game releasing for PC, Mac, and select mobile platforms. The game tasks you with controlling a fleet of starships as you travel the galaxy, attempting to complete missions. These missions range from trade, to combat, to peacekeeping, to science and exploration.
Along the way you will be attempting to build and unite the planets you visit into a planetary federation. You will research and discover futuristic technology, customize your ships, and take place in turn based “dynamically generated tactical combat.” Starships ‘ design will also play a significant part in the game as well.
“When designing Starships , I was intrigued by the idea of exploring the next chapter in the story of Civilization: Beyond Earth ,” Meier said. “What happens after we colonize our new home and eventually build starships to take to the stars? What has become of our long-lost brothers and sisters from the planet Earth?”
“My goal was to create an experience that focuses on starship design and combat within a universe filled with interstellar adventure, diplomacy, and exploration.”
Source: Gamespot