We established last week that Blizzard Entertainment will be expanding the region lock for the Technical Alpha of its MOBA Heroes of the Storm , and on Tuesday, July 1 the developer officially announced that the first wave of European invites are underway.
“ We’ve got exciting news! The first wave of invitations for the Technical Alpha are currently being sent to a limited amount of players based outside the United States, including testers who opted-in via Battle.net, as well as friends and family members of Blizzard employees, ” Blizzard said in its official announcement. “ Along with that, the Heroes Shop has been updated to support several local currencies and payment methods. The client is available in English, with other languages becoming available at a later date. ”
Furthermore, Heroes of the Storm’s servers in Europe, as well as servers in Southeast Asia and Australia as well, have now been enabled to allow for invited regional players to join and participate in the game’s Alpha. This is so Blizzard will have a broader spectrum of players to work with and improve the game for accordingly, and the opened servers will remain public once Heroes of the Storm launches.
“ In addition, we’re supporting the new regional invites by enabling our game servers located in Europe, Southeast Asia and Australia to deliver improved gameplay responsiveness and a better gameplay experience for international testers, ” Blizzard added. “ This new infrastructure is available to all players in the listed territories through the game’s ongoing development, and will continue beyond the game’s public launch. We look forward to announcing more details about Heroes of the Storm testing in other regions at a later date. ”
Blizzard also cautions that frequent account wipes will be taking place throughout the Technical Alpha as Heroes of the Storm reaches new phases of testing. In the event of an account wipe, any and all progress you’ll have done will be reset. However, you’ll receive Battle.net Balance credit for any real money you spent in-game.
You can sign up to partake in Heroes of the Storm’s Technical Alpha by opting in via your battle.net acconut’s Beta Profile Settings page. Blizzard will be expanding its pool of invited players “ in the weeks and months to come. ”
[ Battle.net ]
The image featured at the top of this post is ©The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III key art.