Roger Bennett, the former president of the ELSPA, has voiced his disagreement with the ban of Manhunt 2 in the U.K. In an open-ed, he stated the following:
“Putting aside for a bit the various opinions on whether adults should or should not need to be told by a State sanctioned censoring body what they can and can’t watch or play… I hope that ELSPA’s response to the BBFC’s decision not to grant a rating to Manhunt 2 was not made without recognising the long term possible effects of such an action…
“It is most interesting to note that the guidelines used in reaching this decision by the BBFC includes the assumed criteria that because games are interactive, they are different to other forms of screen entertainment and should be rated accordingly.
“There is no evidence for it to make such a flawed assumption and concerns should be apparent that through pressure from Government, games are becoming increasingly and wholly unjustifiably separated from other forms of screen entertainment…”
The current president of the ELSPA, Paul Jackson, is supportive of the U.K.’s ban on Manhunt 2.
We’ll keep you posted with news as it becomes available.
The image featured at the top of this post is ©The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III key art.