Today GameFly announced that they won’t just be doing mail-in rentals anymore. Instead, they will be offering a new PC game digital download service via a free-to-download client. What’s really unique is how they are handling digital distribution. You don’t actually pay for the games you are downloading. Instead, you can download them for free as long as you are a GameFly member. GameFly co-founder Sean Spector explained how the service works a bit. “It’s kind of like a Spotify or Rhapsody or a Napster. You have access to the content as long as you are a subscriber, but when you are no longer a member, the content then disappears.” So essentially, as long as you keep paying your monthly fee, you’ll have access to an immense library of PC games at no extra cost. Interesting. ![]()
By Angelo M. D’Argenio |
The image featured at the top of this post is ©The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III key art.