



Gamestop Hiring 25,000 Seasonal Employees

Gamestop Hiring 25,000 Seasonal Employees

The heavy video game season is coming, with the holidays coming up and kids just going back to school, huge releases are gearing to empty all of our wallets. Major retailer Gamestop is gearing up for the holiday season doubling their efforts from last year.

“To deliver on this promise, we are nearly doubling our seasonal hiring efforts this year to ensure our stores, distribution centers, and refurbishment operation center are appropriately staffed to meet the customer demand we expect to receive during the holidays,” GameStop human resources executive Mike Buskey said.

Overall, the retailer will be hiring 25,000 seasonal employees. That’s good news for kids that want to make a quick buck, but is it a good business model that we hire so many expendable employees for a small season and then let them go? Let us know what you think in the comments.

Source: Gamespot

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