



Haunting Ground Coming To PS3 As A PS2 Classic

Haunting Ground Coming To PS3 As A PS2 Classic


One of Capcom’s lesser-known PlayStation 2 survival horror games is going to come back on the PSN soon. Haunting Ground, a Clock Tower-like game that focuses on survival over action of any kind, has recently been rated by the ESRB for the PS3 console, which alludes to an eventual PSN downloadable release.

In Haunting Ground, you control Fiona and her dog Hewie. Your goal is to solve puzzles in order to escape a castle. You essentially have no way to fight back, and can only run from your monstrous pursuers. It makes the game feel somewhat like an old school monster movie, besides the fact that all the running can cause frustration at times.

As of now, details about the re-release have not yet been revealed. We do not know a date, price, or whether or not the release will come with additional content or an HD facelift. Either way, fans of the survival horror genre should definitely check this one out when it drops. It’s an under-appreciated gem which does many aspects of video game horror right.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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