



K-1: The Arena Fighters Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes for PlayStation (PSX)

Trails of Cold Steel III key art

K-1: The Arena Fighters Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes for PlayStation (PSX)

K-1: The Arena Fighters

Web CheatCC.com

Play as Master Ishii

Select team battle mode. Then at the character select screen, press Up(2), Down(2), Left, Right, Left, Right, Start. Now Master Ishii will be selectable to the right of the regular characters.

Infinite energy

When “Push Start” begins to flash on the title screen, quickly press Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, Right, Down, Left, Select. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear the sound of an explosion. Note: This code affects both players.

Set strength level

Pause the game and press L2, R1, L1, R1, L2, R1. Now use the D-pad on either controller to change the flashing numbers on either side of the screen to any value between one and nine for the corresponding player.

Alternate costumes

At the title screen, hold L1 + R1. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear three beeping sounds. Now press Start to choose alternate character costumes for Musashi, Andy Hug, and Sam Greco.

View ending sequence

On both controllers, hold L1 + L2 + Triangle + Circle + Left and power on the PlayStation. Then, continue to hold all buttons until demo mode starts to view the ending sequence and credits.

Game Shark Codes

Infinite Time in Round 800B45E0 0000
Infinite Credits 800B49D4 0003
Player 1 Codes
Infinite Energy 800B44BC 03E8
75% Energy D00B44BC 03E8
800B44C4 03E7
800B44BC 02EE
50% Energy D00B44BC 03E8
800B44C4 03E7
800B44BC 01F4
25% Energy D00B44BC 03E8
800B44C4 03E7
800B44BC 00FA
No Energy 800B44BC 0000
1-Hit Death D00B44BC 03E8
800B44C4 0001
800B44BC 0001
Infinite Stamina 800B44B4 01F4
Always Have 0 Knock-Downs 800B44D4 0000
Start With 1 Knock-Down D00B44D4 0000
800B44D4 0001
Start With 2 Knock-Down D00B44D4 0000
800B44D4 0002
Max Energy Modifier 800B44C4 ????
Character Modifier 80103B54 00??
Player 2 Codes
Infinite Energy 800B44C0 03E8
75% Energy D00B44C0 03E8
800B44C8 03E7
800B44C0 02EE
50% Energy D00B44C0 03E8
800B44C8 03E7
800B44C0 01F4
25% Energy D00B44C0 03E8
800B44C8 03E7
800B44C0 00FA
No Energy 800B44C0 0000
1-Hit Death D00B44C0 03E8
800B44C8 0001
800B44C0 0001
Infinite Stamina 800B44B8 01F4
Always Have 0 Knock-Downs 800B44D4 0000
Start With 1 Knock-Down D00B44D4 0000
800B44D4 0001
Start With 2 Knock-Down D00B44D4 0000
800B44D4 0002
Max Energy Modifier 800B44C8 ????
Character Modifier 80103B64 00??
Quantity Digits to Accompany Character Modifier Codes
00 – Andy Hug
01 – Sam Greco
02 – Mike Bernardo
03 – Kiatsongrit Changpuck
04 – Ernesto Hoost
05 – Musashi
06 – Peter Aerts
07 – Jerome Le Banner
08 – Master Ishii

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