



Kinect Lag is a Fixable Problem

Kinect Lag is a Fixable Problem


While the Kinect had a relatively successful showing at this year’s E3, one of the major concerns with some of the playable demos was the lag between the player’s movement and the on-screen character’s actions. However, according to an interview held between Gamasutra and Blitz Games chief technical officer Andrew Oliver, this issue won’t be a problem for their upcoming Kinect game, The Biggest Loser.

Referring to the lag involved in some Kinect games Oliver states “It depends on what technology you’re using. I have seen a few games with a bit of lag, but that is the software choice of the creators; they’ve programmed it a certain way, and they’ll come up with new techniques. We will tighten and tighten it. There doesn’t need to be a lag. We can get it down to maybe two frames behind, which is pretty insignificant; you won’t notice. We’re just learning new tricks. Ours is pretty tight.” Here’s hoping more companies figure out the “tricks” Oliver is referring to so that all upcoming Kinect games can be lag free.

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