It seems like we just keep getting more and more news about how the Kinect won’t be able to do what everyone thought it would. There have been the issues with being able to sit down while playing, limited numbers of players, not being able to recognize sign language, and now you can add selective voice recognition at launch to the list. Speaking with Eurogamer Spain, Microsoft confirmed the Kinect’s ability to recognize voices will be limited to certain languages and regions when it launches in November. They stated the peripheral’s voice recognition software would only be able to interpret American English, British English, Japanese, and Mexican Spanish. While this would seem like bad enough news, considering all the folks who don’t speak these languages, but even those do may also feel the sting of this issue. Apparently, the voice recognition will also be region locked, meaning that Canadians and those living in mainland Europe with the ability to speak these languages will still be unable to utilize it until it is patched in Spring 2011. |
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