



Kingdoms Of Amalur Learns From Oblivion

Kingdoms Of Amalur Learns From Oblivion


Ken Rolston is not new to the design of epic, fantasy RPGs. Lead designer on both Morrowind and Oblivion, Rolston left Elder Scrolls developer Bethesda and brought his talents to EA’s Big Huge Games label, where he’s now bringing his expertise to Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning as its executive designer.

If a recent interview with the title’s lead designer, Ian Frazier, is any indication, motes of Oblivion’s design have found their way into Reckoning. Specifically, enemies will, to a degree, level with you.

“The way our leveling system works is that each area in the game (town, valley, dungeon, etc.) has a particular level range to it, like 5-9, so that when you go there for the first time, the level of that area gets set to be as close to your character’s level as it can within that range.”

Frazier goes on to note that these levels remain locked once they’re initially set, so one can return to earlier areas and plow through the foes there. On the flip side, tackling higher level zones too early will pit a player against appropriately powerful foes. In effect, it creates a more structured experience than Oblivion managed, while using a similar tool.

By Shelby Reiches

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