



Mafia Wars Sparks Lawsuit War

Mafia Wars Sparks Lawsuit War


Trademarks are a good thing for those wanting to protect their intellectual properties. When a company attempts to steal your idea, if you’ve trademarked it, you’ll have clear legal proof of ownership, giving you the ability to recover damages and put an end to the theft. However, the lawsuits that follow are typically a messy business, especially when it concerns game companies.

According to GamePro, Digital Chocolate (DC) is seeking an injunction against Zynga for their use of the name Mafia Wars, given that DC had made a game using the title back in 2004. DC also wants Zynga to surrender all usage of the name, “disgorge any and all revenues and profits” made from its use, and compensation for their legal fees. Since the lawsuit was filed yesterday, Zynga has responded by stating “We are surprised and disappointed by Digital Chocolate’s lawsuit. The timing of the action appears to be opportunistic, and we plan to defend ourselves vigorously.”

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