



Mario + Rabbids Season Pass Announced

Mario + Rabbids Season Pass Announced

Even when Ubisoft is cute, cuddly and silly, Ubisoft is still Ubisoft. Nintendo and Ubisoft announced its collaborative new strategy RPG, Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle, will also have the AAA gaming staple of a season pass. A date and price was not revealed, but much of the content was.

The first bit of season pass DLC will ship with the game, and be exclusive to the pass. This is a set of weapons for the Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle allies, all steampunk-themed. These eight weapons haven’t been shown off yet, however.

Following that will be new maps to play, both for solo and cooperative play. Ubisoft will also be adding story content to the game, which won’t be available until sometime in 2018. Depending on how this shakes out, this could be a pretty substantial offering, compared to many other season pass sets.

Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle will be launching shortly on August 29. The game was a surprise hit at E3, with its goofy humor and XCOM -style game mechanics.

Source: GameSpot

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