For all the notorious missteps that Final Fantasy II makes as the first sequel in the long-running franchise, it far exceeds its predecessor in one key category — narrative. Sure, the first Final Fantasy‘s story is remarkable for its time and deftly blends science fiction and high fantasy, but most of the characters and the central conflict aren’t nearly as fully developed as they would be in future entries. Final Fantasy II represents both a massive leap forward in terms of the series’ storytelling abilities and a commendable risk on the part of Square to experiment with its fledgling series’ mechanics, even if those experiments don’t always land. To determine what exactly it is about the game’s story that makes it so special, one need look no further than the heroes and villains in Final Fantasy II.
Despite their somewhat rudimentary characterization and development in comparison to later protagonists and antagonists in the series, the band of rebel freedom fighters at the center of Final Fantasy II are infinitely more well-rounded and interesting than their Warrior of Light counterparts in the original game. Further, the Emperor is one of the best villains in the Final Fantasy franchise, even if the game he features in doesn’t rank that high on the list of best entries in the series. Accompanying the main cast are a selection of compelling fan-favorite side characters that would end up serving as the foundation for other recurring character archetypes throughout the series, including the legendary first appearance of Cid.

©Final Fantasy concept art – Original
The hero of Final Fantasy II, Firion is a young refugee from the land of Fynn. Along with his adoptive siblings Maria and Leon (whose parents took in Firion at a young age and raised him as their brother), the three heroes and their close friend Guy flee Fynn after its invasion at the hands of the empire. During their escape, the four heroes fall in battle but quickly receive rescue from Princess Hilda — leader of the Wild Rose Rebellion against the Emperor. Firion subsequently takes on the role of the party’s leader, joining the Wild Rose Rebellion andsearching for his lost sibling Leon.
As the first hero in the series to receive a default name and narrative arc, Firion’s characterization is definitely simple in comparison to other Final Fantasy protagonists, but it still hits all the right beats of the classic “Hero’s Journey”. Firion is brave and selfless, willingly joining up with the rebellion to repay Princess Hilda for her kindness and never giving up on his search for Leon. Even when Leon finally does show back up as an enemy, Firion chooses to see the true side of his lost sibling and willingly welcomes him back into the group to challenge the Emperor.

©Final Fantasy concept art – Original
Maria is the bilogical sister of Leon and adoptive sibling to Firion, the three of them growing up in the town of Fynn prior to the Emperor’s invasion. Despite trying everything in her power to prevent PAlamecian soldiers from entering the city, Maria and her siblings are unsuccessful and find themselves fleeing for their lives after witnessing the death of their parents at the hands of the empire’s troops. After being rescued by Princess Hilda and the Wild Rose Rebellion, Maria vows to follow Firion no matter what, joining up with him in the rebellion as a means to track down her missing brother, Leon.
Maria acts as the other main protagonist of Final Fantasy II, helping Firion as an arbitrator and a go-between in situations where the hero is at odds with other characters. She often comes off as kind and helpful, but eventually she breaks down under the weight of the party’s quest and reveals that her optimism is a way for her to put on a brave face in the wake of watching their friends die. Together with Firion, Maria is able to turn her brother Leon back to the side of good after his brainwashing at the hands of the Emperor.

©Final Fantasy concept art – Original
Guy is the stoic “gentle giant” of the party and a lifetime friend of Firion, Maria, and Leon. After being raised by wolves in the wilderness, Guy eventually finds his way to the town of Fynn and grows up there as a human. However, he never loses his ability to communicate with animals and use his upbringing as a wolf to provide himself with immense power in battle. When the trio of siblings flee Fynn, Guy agrees to accompany them, providing indispensible help along the way as one of Firion’s two permanent companions. His primitive-sounding speech and quiet demeanor bely a beastly combatant hiding just beneath the surface.

©Final Fantasy concept art – Original
The fourth main character of Final Fantasy II and Maria’s biological brother, Leon flees Fynn with the rest of the party following the Palamecian Empire’s invasion of the city only to end up separated from his companions. While Firion, Maria, and Guy receive aid from Princess Hilda and the Wild Rose Rebellion, Leon is found by the Palamecian Empire and turned into the mysterious Dark Knight by Emperor Mateus himself. Afterward, Leon routinely shows up as the Dark Knight, though the heroes don’t learn it’s their long-lost companion until late in the game. After initially defeating the Emperor, Leon attempts to crown himself the next ruler of Palamecia, but Firion and Maria are able to restore him to his true self.
Leon then agrees to accompany Firion, Maria, and Guy as the party literally travel to Hell and back in order to defeat the resurrected Emperor once and for all. Following their victory, Leon’s guilt over his actions as the Dark Knight prompts him to make a pilgrimage of self-discovery and attonement.
Princess Hilda

©Final Fantasy concept art – Original
Princess Hilda is the rightful ruler of Fynn and the secret leader of the Wild Rose Rebellion. After Emperor Mateus begins using the Palamecian military as a means to achieve world domination, Hilda flees Fynn to head to the Rebellion’s home base of Altair. Along the way, she encounters the fallen heroes of the story — Firion, Maria, and Guy — and helps nurse them back to health at the Wild Rose hideout. Even though she is desperate for allies in the fight against the empire, she initially refuses Firion’s request to join the rebellion due to not wanting to cause any useless bloodshed. However, Firion wears her down and proves his loyalty to the rebellion, and Princess Hilda becomes one of the party’s most valuable and trusted allies afterwards.
After the destruction of the Dreadnought, Hilda is captured by the Emperor and held prisoner while a Lamia Queen impersonates her in her stead. Thanks to Leila’s help, the party sees through the illusion, defeating the imposter and then quickly rescuing the true princess. Shortly afterward, Hilda and Gordon hatch a plan to recapture Fynn, and once Firion and his allies liberate the city Princess Hilda is crowned Queen.

©Final Fantasy concept art – Original
Minwu is one of Princess Hilda’s most trusted advisors and a powerful White Wizard. Originally hailing from the magical city of Mysidia, Minwu would serve as the court mage for the royal family of Fynn before fleeing with Princess Hilda to assist her in leading the Wild Rose Rebellion. And, as fate would have it, Minwu happens upon Firion and his allies as they are near-death just outside of Fynn, restoring them to health using his talents as a White Wizard. In fact, it is thanks to Minwu’s sensing of a strong life force within Firion that Princess Hilda even agrees to let the young hero and his allies join up with the rebellion.
Minwu will temporarily join the party at various points throughout Final Fantasy II‘s main quest, providing invaluable assistance with his powerful restorative abilities. His initial departure from Mysidia comes about as part of his mission to seek out the world’s most powerful magic, Ultima, and he assists Firion in completing that goal as a means to stop the Emperor and put an end to his world conquest.

©Final Fantasy concept art – Original
Josef is one of the first temporary party members to join up with Firion and his crew, helping the trio enter the Snow Cave using his one-of-a-kind snowmobile to help them cross the tundra leading to the cave. A former soldier of the Palamecian Empire, Josef’s distaste for the empire’s treatment of its subjects and the increasing madness of its Emperor prompt him to desert Palamecia and take on a new life in secret in the town of Salamand. He initially refuses to help Firion and his allies or even acknowledge the rebellion, but after Firion resuces his daughter and some other Salamand citizens from slavery he agrees to help the party.
Josef joins up with Firion, Maria, and Guy on their trek through the Snow Cave and helps the party retrieve the Goddess’s Bell. He also comes face-to-face with his former compatriot Borghen and defeats him in battle, but Borghen gets the last laugh by triggering a trap in the Snow Cave intent on killing the party. So that Firion and his allies might escape and defeat the Emperor, Josef sacrifices himself to stop the boulder threatening to crush the party.

©Final Fantasy concept art – Original
The former captain of the White Knights of Fynn, Cid’s construction of the world’s only airship would lead him to depart his life as a knight in hopes of taking to the skies. Following the Palamecian Empire’s conquest of the world, Cid sets out to be a ship captain-for-hire, using his airship to provide otherwise impossible transport to those willing to dish out a hefty fee. As the first Cid in the Final Fantasy franchise, Final Fantasy II‘s Cid establishes most of the characteristics that would come to define the character in future entries. Cid is an older and wiser man with a gruff exterior and a heart of gold, and he acts as the supernatural aid or mentor character that commonly appears in stories utilizing the “Hero’s Journey” archetype.
After giving away the secret to the Dreadnought’s construction and helping Firion and his allies figure out a way to destroy the massive Palamecian airship, both Cid and Hilda fall captive under the empire. Thankfully, Firion and his allies rescue Cid and Hilda before destroying the Dreadnought, but Cid is later mortally wounded by the Emperor’s Cyclone. As a dying gift to Firion, he gives the hero and his allies his airship in order to help them stop Emperor Mateus.

©Final Fantasy concept art – Original
Prince Gordon is the younger brother of Prince Scott of Kashuan, and together the two ally with Princess Hilda and the Wild Rose Rebellion to try and put a stop to Emperor Mateus’ conquest. When Firion first meets Gordon, he is distraught and aimless, feeling like a coward for having abandoned both his home of Kashuan and Fynn. To make matters worse, his brother Scott is missing, and the party eventually meet Scott as he is dying from battle wounds. After giving Scott’s ring to Princess Hilda (whom both Scott and Gordon are secretly in love with), Gordon resolves to help the party destroy the Emperor as recompense for his brother’s death and joins up with the rebellion.
After joining the rebellion, Gordon proves to be an indispensible ally in the fight against the Palamecian Empire, helping Firion and his allies retrieve Egil’s Torch from the monster-infested hallways of Kashuan Keep and then single-handedly launching the rebellion’s push to reclaim Fynn from the Emperor. Following the liberation of Fynn, the King honors Gordon by making him the commander of Fynn’s military, and he stays by Queen Hilda’s side as her protector and partner in rebuilding the Kingdom of Fynn.

©Final Fantasy concept art – Original
Leila is the enigmatic and lighthearted pirate captain who agrees to join up with Firion and his allies after they hire her to transport them across the sea. Upon arriving in the kingdom of Deist, Leila joins Firion, Maria, and Guy as they attempt to save the last remaining Wyvern Egg and sticks with them until the heroes return to Fynn. Additionally, Leila provides critical assistance during the liberation of Fynn and goes on to become the official leader of the Wild Rose Rebellion once Princess hilda is crowned Queen of Fynn. Though Leila loses her crew and ship to an attack by Leviathan, the fearless pirate captain survives and even returns to Fynn to provide information and wisecracks to the party.
Ricard Highwind

©Final Fantasy concept art – Original
Ricard is one of the more significant characters in Final Fantasy II as both the world’s sole-surviving Dragoon and the first Dragoon to ever appear in the series. Hailing from the kingdom of Deist, Ricard will temporarily join up with Firion and his allies after the party happens upon him within the belly of the Leviathan. Similar to Minwu, Ricard leaves his homeland in search of the Ultima tome but is eventually thrown off course during his quest. After daving the world’s last remaining Wyvern egg, the creature hatches and quickly forms a bond with Ricard. Ricard then flies the Wyvern into the Emperor’s Cyclone where the party is able to defeat the mad ruler and stop its path of destruction. Following his adventures with the party, Ricard returns to Deist to start a family with the widow of his friend Philip, rebuilding the society of Dragoons.

©Final Fantasy concept art – Original
Paul is one of the first helpful NPCs that Firion and his allies meet, swearing that he won’t use his talents as a thief to steal from the party thanks to their membership in the Wild Rose Rebellion. A notorious thief and brigand, Paul exclusively steals from the Palamecian Empire and uses the spoils to aid the rebellion as a valuable ally. When Firion, Maria, and Guy are acquiring Mythril to help arm the rebellion’s military forces, they aid Paul in escaping his imprisonment within Semitt Falls. Paul never forgets about Firion and his allies coming to his aid and vows to repay them somehow.
Later in the game, when Firion is about to enter the Cyclone and fight the Emperor, Paul gifts the party his secret stash of treasure containing the hugely important Blood Sword. If the player uses this weapon in the last battle against the Emperor, the fight is laughably trivial, making Paul’s assistance one of the party’s saving graces.

©Final Fantasy concept art – Original
Borghen is a general in the Palamecian army and a continual thorn in the party’s side throughout Final Fantasy II. A former nobleman of Kashuan, Borghen willingly sells out his countrymen and the nation of Fynn to the Empire in exchange for power. He attains the rank of general and oversees the construction of the Dreadnought, though he is quickly removed from any position of real power after the Dreadnought’s completion. When the party faces Borghen in the Snow Cave they’re able to defeat him, but he triggers a deadly trap before perishing, killing Josef in the process. He later returns as an undead zombie within the halls of Pandaemonium, serving the Emperor even in Hell.
Emperor Mateus

©Final Fantasy concept art – Original
Emperor Mateus (or simply the Emperor) is the ruler of the Palamecian Empire and the primary antagonist of Final Fantasy II. Using his abilities as a powerful sorcerer, the Emperor is able to control massive hordes of monsters which aid him in his conquest for world domination. He greedily subjugates other nations one-by-one using his monster hordes and views all of humanity as nothing more than insects, believing his superiority to be an indicator of his rightful place to enslave the world. A cruel tyrant, the Emperor eventually learns of Firion and his allies’ attempts to thwart him, goading them into a face-to-face meeting. However, his arrogance is his downfall, as Firion and his allies are able to defeat the Emperor against all odds.
Refusing to accept defeat and death, the Emperor’s soul heads to the afterlife and becomes a twisted reflection of his inner hatred, transforming his humanoid form into a massive demonic presence. Within the Hell-like dimension of Pandaemonium, the reborn Emperor threatens to engulf all life unless Firion and his allies can literally go to Hell and back and stop the evil despot once and for all.
The image featured at the top of this post is ©Final Fantasy concept art.