



Mass Effect 3 Features Kinect and Familiar Faces

Mass Effect 3 Features Kinect and Familiar Faces


Originally hitting the rumor mill when box art sporting the familiar purple of a Kinect-compatibility ribbon hit the web, Mass Effect 3 has now been confirmed to feature support for Microsoft’s motion and voice control platform. As demonstrated at Microsoft’s Pre-E3 press conference, players will be able to choose options from Commander Shepard’s conversation wheel by speaking them, at which point Shepard says his, or her, associated line of dialog. Furthermore, in combat, voice commands can be used to direct one’s companions in the field, freeing up a player’s hands to maintain constant control of Shepard, and focus on one’s objective.

Additional details revealed in the trailer include the potential return of Mordin Solus (depending, of course, on the end of one’s Mass Effect 2 playthrough) and the persistence of facial scarring from the Lazarus procedure in the previous game. These are the sort of touches that make Bioware titles the engaging, sympathetic epics they are known to be.

Mass Effect 3 is due out in the early months of 2012, and will bring its omni-tool blade along to the party.

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